Thursday, December 2, 2010

YES!! My dream is coming closer~! =D

Waah, I'm so excited!!! *jumps up and down and grins until cheeks hurt*
Guess what I'm going to do? ^^
I just enrolled myself into a course of CREATIVE WRITING!!! ^-^
Okay... so maybe that's not everybody's wish...


The course is actually an International course (but located in my own country), which means I'll be sharpening my English skills! =]
Why does it sound like I'm the biggest NERD on earth? XD It rhymes! *sigh*

Maybe my spoken English will become better as well... hm...

Just know, I have always wanted to become a writer and not necessarily write in my mother language alone... This opportunity is encouraged by my school as well, as this is my activity of choice, that had to be related to my professional identity.
(Quite some terms there, but it's clear, right?)

^^ I'm really happy! =P
Now I'll have to wait for my tutor to agree on my activity of choice... ^^"
XD Either way, I'm going to follow this course and I'll make use of it as well! ;)
Stories will be posted, of course! (no pun intended) LOL

Byebye~! *waves hands in front of face*


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Writers: social experts?!

Let me be so free to tell you something about writers...

When you think of a writer, a certain type of person will come to your mind, complete with assumptions you have made about writers.
This picture is very personal and different from others, caused by several factors, such as: experience, personality, capability.
Apart from the different views on writers, some assumptions seem to be very common.

One of these assumptions is that writers always know how to react on others or situations. (Someone actually once told me to fix a situation. Me: "How?" The other: "You know it, you write about it...")
This is downright nonsense! Writers - novelists and script writers in particular - love to exploit their imagination. To feed their imagination, they observe. This is merely to fill in the blanks, the spots where their own experience or empathy lacks certainty.
Although a writer might write the most genius of dialogues, the sharpest comments or describe the most detailed personality, they always create the complete picture in which they have total authority over the characters and scenes.
In other words, they create a dimension in which they know the characters, who are based on characteristics from the author himself, his acquaintances or his observations.
Since the character is fully known by the author, the characters can't pose a threat to the author, he can freely play with them by creating scenes.
The author can't blunder, he knows exactly how the other characters will respond, resulting in interesting dialogues that make sense, which will lead the story towards the desired plot twists and outcomes.

A good writer is able to write convincingly about almost any scene imaginable.
This does not mean that a writer has to have experience in most scenes, it's merely a matter of observing skills or imagination and some empathy.

So social experts? I wouldn't be too sure about that..

It's common for writers to observe a lot. A good observation is one in which you yourself aren't involved. (imagine observing the natural behavior of a cat while you're stroking it... not successful!) For that reason writers can be quiet and distant, which isn't something you'd say about a social expert. My teacher once said: "I have interviewed many writers when I was still a journalist. Writers aren't talkers, they're thinkers." ^^ And that definitely applies to me too! ;)

-♥- the writer~ ...LOL!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Missing my grandma...

Even though it's been almost 15 years since my grandma passed away, at times I still miss her.
I wonder what would have happened if she was still alive...

In the past few weeks, my father and his sister have gone through all the stuff that's in my grandparents home.
My grandpa has moved to a nursing home a few years ago and so their home has become an empty place.
Because my family wants to put it up for rent (since it's completely theirs), the stuff in the house should be sorted out...

Long story short, my father came home with multiple boxes filled with photos of me and my sister as little babies, my father and his sister, my grandma as young woman and even my grandparents their parents!
It was so much fun going through those photos (mostly black and white). Some of the photos were also taken in Indonesia, where my grandmother has grown up.

Since my grandma passed away when I was 5 years old, I have only a few vague memories of her. My parents have told me that she was very fond of me, probably because I was her first grandchild and I also had the Chinese looks like her (she was a full blood Chinese, brought up in Indonesia). Even thought I love both my grandparents of both sides of the family a lot, my Chinese grandma has always been the grandparent I love most.

Today I saw pictures of my grandma as young woman for the first time. She was a beautiful woman. She seemed to have an outgoing personality and a love for photos (and posing for them), but she didn't go overboard with it, she always appeared to be modest and calm.

I don't have a photo to share with you, not even a babypic of me, I'll get to that another time! =)


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Today's 10-10-'10! XD

... my far neighbors are getting married -_-'
Since the Dutch crown prince, Willem Alexander, and his girlfriend, Máxima, got married on 02-02-'02, there's a madness in the Netherlands to get married on 03-03-'03, 04-04-'04, 05-05-'05 etc.

It's probably worldwide popular to marry on those dates, but it gets kind of cliche now... I wouldn't want to get married on such a date anymore...

By the way, my dad was being 4D today...
First he asked me where the digital camera was, so I told him.
I knew he was going to do something.
Then he suddenly appeared in front of me, with a big smile and a camera in hand...
'UH-OH!' I said (and thought) as he turned it on.
>_> he just turned into PAPArazzi! (XD excuse my lame-joke-ness)
To start complaining about how he could not catch the 'nice shot'.
At that point I started to wonder whether it was a lack of his skills or an insult on how I look! =/
XD .. but I decided on the lack of his skills, since he was the one complaining! ^^
After several (about 20-40) attempts to capture my face spontaneous, my dad got a little annoyed and said he could better capture it with his digital video camera... O_o
And so I ended up being visually disturbed by a video camera as well... -_-"
Hurray for a painting dad!! ..and what again was the purpose of filming me?

If I start seeing my face on one of his paintings, I'm gonna scream!

Well, unless I'm on it with Beauté (my little rabbit) in my arms! ^^
He still didn't make that one... although the photos have been made.

TTYL! ^^ ♥♥


Monday, October 4, 2010


As I was searching for something on Google, my eyes fell onto a small option on the bottom of the homepage..
Apparently, I could change the background of the google homepage!

Curious as I've always been, I followed the link and picked a background with a caterpillar on a Parsley twig.
The lay-out looked quite the same, but the sterile white had been replaced by the new background and the Google logo was embossed and in white letters.
It was aesthetically pleasing, but there was nothing more to it...

WOW! (sarcastically)
A complete useless option as I found out that the background will not even be shown once you start ticking in the key words of your search.

What is it lately with all these applications that are plain useless and fun for less than 3 minutes and then annoying?
I can't remember how many posts on Yahoo solely that I've read discussed the topic of "weird applications" in, for example, cars.

With the IPhone and all these 354-in-1 touch-screen equipped devices, a whole new world of digital apps has come into existence.
In that madness there are apps of any kind; apps that are useful - like GPS, a weather forecast, economic news or camping information - but also a lot of apps that are utterly useless. I'm sure there must be an app that challenges you to clean the toilet as fast and as efficiently as possible and if that app does not exist, it will be developed and made available very soon!

In the meanwhile, I'll just keep using my flip-open mobile phone which isn't connected to the internet and which has no touch-screen either. ;)


Saturday, September 25, 2010

World wide survey (a joke) =P

Last month, the U.N. held a world wide survey in which they only asked one question:

"Could you please give us your honest opinion about the solution for the food shortage in the rest of the world?"

The survey failed miserably because:

- In Africa they didn't know what "food" was.
- In East-Europe they didn't know what "honest" was.
- In West-Europe they didn't know what "shortage" was.
- In China they didn't know what "opinion" was.
- In the Middle East they didn't know what "solution" was.
- In South-America they didn't know what "please" was.
- In the US they didn't know what "the rest of the world" was.

Honestly... How to offend the entire world in just one post, this.=X

It's just become Autumn here and the weather is starting to get a little chillier...
I'm slowly slipping into a Winters' sleep... XD LOL, not really, but my energy is getting less. ^^" Summer always gets the best out of me, but then Winter makes me a little unhappy (I don't really like cold weather...)

GOT TO GO NOW!! ♥ Say hi! to my new blogging spirit! X'D
Today is my parents' 25th year marriage celebration, so I won't be here! ;)
In fact the celebration will last till the 28th of September, since they married on the 25th for the State and on the 28th for the Church. 4 days of celebrating! Woohoo!! =D

Ciao~ ♥♫♪☺


A WOMAN's mind and a MAN's mind...

Okay, let's just screw the HIATUS... XD
LOL I want to blog, so I just do it! =P
That's the fun thing about this, nobody can tell me not to not even my mum, because I'm "practising my English" in this manner! ^^
Not that someone would seriously come up to me and tell me not to... >_>

There's one interesting topic I was thinking about lately.
Why is it that they either say:
~ The mind of a woman is something that's not understandable
~ The mind of a man is simple and to the point

(both hold the same meaning)

In my opinion, the mind of a woman and the mind of a man are both a mystery to everyone... since we all think without the other knowing what we think about if we don't tell them! =)
I know it's scientifically proven that men and women think in a different way, but that does not automatically mean that a man's mind makes more sense...
Of course I'm a woman and thus think like a woman, I don't think a woman's mind makes more sense either!

I made a little hypothesis:
Men are naturally more easygoing and (in some sense) more lazy, that's why they don't bother concealing their thoughts and act upon it as they please.
A woman on the other hand is pressured to maintain her good image and will overthink every action, because she is sensitive for what people think about her.
For example, if a man has an itch in the wrong place, he'll just scratch, because he wants to get rid of it. But if a woman has an itch in the wrong place, she'll look around sneakily, and if there are people, she'll just excuse herself to the bathroom or tries to ignore the itch.
The reason for this difference lays in the history of the roles of men and women, I believe. Men were desirable if they were strong, had good fortune (money) or a high social status, women were desirable when they were fertile and beautiful.
Basically, men can obtain there desirability by training their body (strong) and working (money) and so they get a high social status, while the most a woman can do is keeping a clean image.
Of course there are exceptions in behavior, but tell me honestly, don't these types of exceptional behavior get called manly or feminine characteristics?

A situation men always refer to when pointing out the difference of a woman's mind and their minds:
When a woman wants something, she won't ask it directly, but she'll ask around it, makes the man know what she wants without telling or pursuits the man to want what she wants.
That is true, mostly...
... and the reason is: IT WORKS BETTER! =)
For example, the curtains are getting older and look less lively, in other words, the woman wants new ones (understandable, because the house is part of the woman's image). If the woman bluntly says: "I want new curtains." It's about 90% likely the man will answer: "Honey, does it really have to be changed? I don't see something wrong with these.." (that's because he doesn't want to buy new ones, because it's easier not to)
However, there's more chance of success when the woman asks: "Don't you think the curtains are getting a little pale?" and then waits for the man to respond. He'll probably think about it a little and agree with the woman (since it's easier to agree than to discuss about it). BINGO! She'll say: "We should get new ones. What about this Saturday?" What more can a man do then agree and buy new ones?! If he doesn't, she'll say he thought the curtains looked pale and he'll find himself in a discussion about something he didn't want to think about in the first place.

So in my opinion, the woman's mind is a mystery to men, purely for efficiency.

Please keep in mind that these are assumptions, based on the stereotypical man and woman... They do not even fully obtain to my parents! My mother is usually really straightforward (probably because my father is very easygoing and listens well to his wife) and my father usually says things indirectly (I don't exactly know why, maybe because that's his feminine side?).

Well, don't you feel a little sleepy as well?
You do? Then maybe it's best we both get some sleep. =)

LOL! ♥ G'Night!


Monday, September 13, 2010

HIATUS... =(

BAD NEWS!!! ^^"

As the title says as well, I'm going on hiatus...
...but not completely!
I'm going on semi-hiatus, I might post an entry every now and then, but right now I'm just too freaking busy..
There's some things I want to continue doing, which is writing stories, so I'll continue on a slower pace with my fanfics and I'll also continue playing the piano.

The main reason for my semi-hiatus: SCHOOL, or better said COLLEGE AND HOMEWORK!!!
Blèh! I don't like homework, although the assignments are okay.. x)

STAY HEALTHY AND STAY IN SCHOOL! XP LOL! Who used to say that again? ^^" I forgot... =X


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Destiny and Coincidence...

^^ A philosophic title and a philosophic topic this time...
Gosh, the word PHILOSOPHIC is hard to type quickly! Õ.Õ
I've been thinking a lot about this lately, I was inspired by philosophy class of my sister, long story short: it was about beliefs...

This is what I came up with, after thinking it through:
There are two things that you can believe in, concerning the future.
Those are Coincidence or Destiny.

People who believe in coincidence, might believe in good or bad luck as well, since luck is something that can happen to anyone, at anytime and unannounced.
People who believe in coincidence don't think a certain destiny exists.

People who believe in destiny might be people who live the day without reflecting on their acts, since it was inevitably that the events would happen.
I think destiny believers are people who live by the day or for the future, but definitely not focused on the past.
Destiny believers might believe in luck as a way to influence destiny (as a way to make things happen faster/earlier).

Luck actually has quite a difficult meaning. People who believe in luck can either believe in coincidence, because luck is something out of a lotery, or they believe in destiny, because luck can be obtained by avoiding black cats for example...

Here's my real dilemma: I don't believe in coincidence, but I also don't believe in destiny and that things happen as they were meant to happen... (I'm also not a firm believer of luck, other then "I'm lucky I don't have to go outside now that it rains" for example).

So what do I believe in?
I mean, there seems to be no other path then planned future (destiny) or unplanned future (coincidence), right?

Still, I definitely do not believe in everything being a series of coincidental events, but I feel destiny is a word that's too strong...

After thinking long and hard about what I believe in, I came to this conclusion:

I believe in GOD. He has a plan (planned future!), but he gave us a free will, to choose for him or not (unplanned future!).
On our path through life, we can make decisions on what we do and think, but for everything we have no influence on, God decided.
"Destiny" in my eyes means "God's decisions" and "coincidence" means "my free will".

^^ So what do you believe in? =)

*~Maria ♥

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Psychology tests...

I'm bored right now, and I got a computer.. *looks around mischievously*
So what am I gonna do now???


Most people probably think of these things:
~ music
~ e-mail
~ Hyves / Facebook / any other social network
~ porn (if they are horny beasts X'D.. FYI: THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE ME! ^^)
~ online games

.. but I'm not one of the 'most people'.. because I think of these:
~ blogs
~ fanfiction site
~ Deviantart (graphics site)
~ Okay... FarmVille on Facebook.. =$ I admit guilty! although I'm embarrassed saying it! XP

Now my mind has thought up something to do in my boredom! XD
It's not an average thing and I don't know how I got to think of that, but this is what I did..
I opened Google and typed in: 'psychology test'
Then I clicked on the first link which brought me to the site of the BBC! XD
There's a whole list of psychological tests!
I'm immediately reminded of EHB (Exploration of the Human Body)! XD Seems like I'll be doing EMHB (Exploration of My Human Body) soon! ^^ Thehe..

I want to do the following test: Explore your memory..
I am quite tired, so I wonder how I will do! XP
Anyway.. I'm going to take the test now.. it's supposed to take me 20 minutes (as stated on the site).

*takes the test*

Want to know the results~?
Well, it's a looooooooooong text! Here they are:

Part 1: Spot the difference – visual recognition memory
This was a quick test of your visual recognition memory. You had to look at photos, store them in your visual memory and decide if they had changed when you saw them a few seconds later.

You got 2 out of 3 photos correct.

When looking at scenes in pictures or in real life, we often take in only enough information to allow us to recognise what is important at the time. For example, to recognise a pub or a car, we do not need to pay attention to every detail. To recognise a scene on a beach we do not have to remember every fine detail about the people, the chairs or the ice cream seller.

We only remember those details that we actually need unless we have some reason to focus on something very specific about the picture.

Our visual recognition memory has limited storage space. If we were to remember all of the details in every scene we encountered, we would soon run out of space. Our memory deals with this by storing only minimal details, but this makes it more difficult to spot subtle changes.

"In a scientific study, burglars were better at seeing detail like open windows, alarms and cars in the drive"
Professor Robert Logie, University of Edinburgh

Burglars are better
A group of former burglars were shown house photos. They were found to be statistically better at spotting changes in the appearance of a house that were related to burglary (eg a burglar alarm or 'beware of the dog' sign) than non-burglars. The theory is that their 'profession' requires attention to small burglary-related details about houses, and therefore they have a motivation to focus on and remember those details.

Estate agents and house buyers would be more likely to remember details such as the colour of the door, how many rooms there are, and the appearance of the garden. Again, what they remember is linked to what they focus on and this is affected by their specific interests.

If you’re not a burglar or an estate agent, visual recognition memory still comes in very handy. For example, you can use your visual memory to remember where you just left your car keys, where you parked your car, or to remember the way out of an unfamiliar building.

A rigorous test of visual recognition memory would have included more photos. This was just a taste of this type of activity.

Part 2: Memory binding – colours and animals
We asked you to remember three things about a series of objects – colour, shape and screen position. This was a test of a theory called 'memory binding'.

Memory binding relates to your ability to tie things together in your working memory and update them when they change. You need this skill for everyday activities like driving a car.

You saw one of four versions of the questions. Some people were randomly selected to see questions that were slightly more difficult to answer. On a scale of 1–4 (where 4 is the hardest), your test was predicted to be 4. The scientist who developed the test needed to give people different versions of the questions to find out which factors make memory binding more difficult. He'll only know which one is hardest when he has analysed the survey results.

Even if you got an easier version of the test, it was still difficult so don't be surprised if you didn't score very highly.

You were able to remember the details of 2 animals. The test ended if you got two wrong in a row at the same level of difficulty.

Part 3: Numbers – digit span
You had to remember series of numbers that got longer as the test progressed. We literally filled your working memory with numbers until it couldn’t hold any more, in order to test your digit span.

Our ability to remember sequences of numbers (digit span) and letters over short periods of time is collectively known as 'verbal working memory capacity'. This type of memory helps us to remember a telephone number long enough to dial it. It also seems to be important for remembering a new word that we have never heard before, for example, in a foreign language.

Language matters
Interestingly, the language you speak can affect the results of the digit span test. When researchers gave the same test to children in Wales and England, they were puzzled when the Welsh children had lower scores. They eventually discovered that it takes longer to say numbers aloud in Welsh than it does in English. And the length of time it takes to say a number affects digit span performance. Once this difference was accounted for, the Welsh and English scores matched.

You remembered 7 numbers. The test goes up to digit series that have nine numbers, but it ends if you get two wrong in a row at the same level of difficulty.

If you had a low score, it is important to know that several things can affect number memory, including stress, tiredness, whether you are paying attention, how quickly you speak, and which language you speak. Some people might be better at remembering visual patterns (like the grid square test) than they are at remembering numbers.

You can improve your performance slightly by saying the numbers more quickly and repeating them aloud. But we wouldn’t recommend doing that if you’re trying to remember your bank PIN in public! It can also help if you say the numbers over to yourself inside your head without saying them aloud.

Yet another way of improving your memory for numbers is to ‘chunk’ them. So instead of remembering 849537, try 849 537.

Part 4: Patterns – grid squares – visual working memory capacity
The grid patterns tested the storage capacity of your visual working memory. You had to reproduce patterns that got progressively bigger and more difficult to remember. If you got two wrong in a row at the same level of difficulty, the test stopped.

Our visual working memory capacity is the point at which our working memory reaches its limit to hold any more visual information.

Lots of everyday activities require a good visual working memory. Artists, designers and architects would particularly benefit if they had a good visual memory capacity.

The largest pattern you were able to remember had 20 squares. The test goes up to grid patterns with 25 squares.

Most people will be able to remember 9–16 squares. [edit: =D I did better than average! Woohoo! =P]

Even though the grid patterns look a bit like a chess board, chess experts do not have an advantage. The reason for this is that a chess player remembers patterns that have meaning in the world of chess. Likewise, if one of the patterns looked a bit like an animal you’d have less trouble remembering it. Because the patterns we showed you are randomly generated, it’s much harder to remember them.

The grid square test measures the limit at which your memory can't hold any more information – your visual working memory capacity

Has evolution limited our memories?
Some scientists think there is an evolutionary explanation for our limited working memories. Can you imagine if you could remember all the visual information you saw in a day? You’d probably end up with a headache! The evolutionary advantage of a limited working memory is that it allows us to focus on the task at hand and not be distracted by pointless detail.

Part 5: Everyday objects – coin and stamp
You did remember which way the Queen's head faces on a pound coin.
You did remember which way she faces on a 1st class stamp.
[edit: I have never even held a pound coin or 1st class stamp in my own hands.. this was a lucky guess... and I guess I got lucky! XD]

Don't be surprised if you didn't remember which way the Queen's head faces on a pound coin or a 1st class stamp. Many people get this wrong. Similar tests have been repeated many times around the world, using different coins, and the result is always the same.

Just because we see an object frequently it doesn't necessarily mean that we'll remember it accurately. Normally we only have to remember enough information to be able to identify a pound coin among a handful of change, and which way the Queen faces is not needed for this. We’re better at remembering things that are important to us. So, people who collect coins or stamps are more likely to do well on this task.

Part 6: Spot the difference – delayed recall
It's extremely difficult to remember every detail in a scene because our brains have evolved to cut out unnecessary information
We showed you a photo of some cars going over a bridge, and we asked you to spot changes in the same photo later in the test. This question tested visual delayed recall.

You didn't spot the change.

To test delayed recall thoroughly, we'd really have to ask you a lot more than one question. We just wanted to give people the chance to exercise this aspect of their memory.

We are remarkably bad at remembering details from scenes like this. It is difficult to remember details that seem unimportant at the time. For example, if we told you that a car was going to be removed from a photo, you’d have less trouble spotting the change. But you had to try and remember everything, which is much harder.

While our ability to remember subtle changes in a scene isn't particularly good, our ability to remember entire scenes is actually rather good as long as each scene is very different. Researchers have reported that people who were shown up to 10,000 different pictures could recognise 90% of them when they were mixed with pictures they had not seen before.

Part 7: Sentences – working memory span
You answered true or false about a series of sentences and tried to remember the final word order. This is a test of what psychologists call 'working memory for processing plus storage'. This means that you had to think logically about a series of sentences (true or false) and then remember the order of the final words in the sentences. You had to think and remember at the same time.

The test also measured how quickly you clicked true and false. The scientists want to know whether the speed that people can respond (the processing time) is related to their memory capacity. They are also interested in whether your answers to the questions (in part ten) on exercise and mental activities (eg crosswords) are related to how quickly people can decide true or false and their working memory capacity.

To remember the final words, most people work back through the true and false questions they answered. It becomes more difficult to answer as the number of sentences increases. The largest number of sentences you were able answer correctly gives your limit or 'span' for this type of memory.

You were able to remember the final words of 2 sentences at once, in the correct order. If you got two wrong in a row, the test stopped. The test goes up to 6 sentences.

Part 8: Man and ball – spatial manipulation in working memory
Holding the image of the man in your mind, rotating it and understanding it tested your spatial memory.
You had to form and rotate a mental image of the man and say which of his hands held the blue ball.

You managed to answer 10 question correctly out of 11 in 30 seconds.

This type of memory is useful in many sports, when packing a car with boxes, imagining what your room would look like with the furniture rearranged, or planning a route using a map. Previous studies using tests similar to this one have found that men are statistically better at this type of activity than women.

Women tend to do better with tests of verbal memory. For example, if we asked you to think of words associated with the word 'canary' (yellow, feathers, bird etc), it is predicted that women would score slightly higher, on average.

Scientists are still debating the reasons for these differences.

Part 9: Remembering to do things
The 16-question survey you answered tested different aspects of your memory.

Memory for the past (retrospective) versus memory for the future (prospective)

Your answers suggest that your ability to remember events from the past is better than your ability to remember to do things that you had planned to do. You might find it helpful to keep a calendar to remind you of future meetings and appointments.

You have seen one of four different versions to remind you to click the smiley face. The scientists are going to study how types of instruction affect our memory to do things.

Smiley face
As an additional test of your memory for future plans, we asked you to click a smiley face at the end of the test. What we didn't tell you is that there are four versions of this question. For example, some people were told in advance what the smiley looks like, while others weren't. The scientist who designed this test wants to see how the different ways of asking you to click the smiley affect your memory for things that you plan to do in the future. [edit: I didn't click it, although I didn't forget, but I just thought I could go back, because I wanted to see my results first! X'D ... only, I couldn't go back.. =X]

Long-term versus short-term (or working-) memory
The 16-question survey asked what you think about your ability for long-term memory and working memory (sometimes called short-term memory).

Your answers suggest that you're equally good at keeping track of what you are doing moment to moment and remembering things over longer periods of time. For example, you might be a whiz in the kitchen and easily remember to set the rice cooking at the right time, as well as remembering that you'd planned to meet your partner at the train station at 7pm.

Cued versus uncued memory
The survey also assessed whether you need a reminder to do something you've planned.

Your answers suggest you're better at remembering if you can see something to remind you. For example, if you left a plastic carrier bag by the door or next to your car keys then you would be more likely to remember to reuse the bag when you go to the supermarket.

Part 10: Lifestyle questions
Smoking and drinking
Scientists have already shown that smoking damages health and drinking alcohol slows down our response time, even within the legal limit for driving. Drinking enough to make you drunk affects your memory for what you were doing when drunk and can also affect your memory the morning after. So, if you're living this kind of life and want to improve your memory, you should consider cutting down.

Drinking to excess on a regular basis can lead to long-term brain damage and serious, permanent memory problems, but we do not yet know whether smoking or less excessive drinking affects memory.

The scientists who designed this test are interested in whether your smoking and drinking habits are related to how well you did on the various memory tests and they'll be looking at whether even moderate drinking and smoking affects memory.
[edit: I'm neither a drinker or smoker, so they have one for the 'clean' list! XD]

'Use it or lose it'
It's already well known that physical exercise can improve health and there is some evidence that doing mental activity such as crosswords can keep your brain active. The scientists will look at all the results from 'Explore your memory' to determine whether memory improves if we do physical exercise and just how much benefit people gain from regular mental activity.

Even before the results of the test have been analysed, enough is known already to recommend that you should adopt a 'use it or lose it' approach and make sure that you spend some of your time doing mentally stimulating things.


^^ Araso~ I will do brain training! XD
I already do though.. Sudoku is considered brain activity.. but I also write stories (think out plots and twists) which should be called 'brain sports' too, right? =P

So, that was my EHMB - The memory!
Anyway, me and my brain are quite tired now, plus we want to write a story... XD

Byebye for now~!

Annyoung~! ♥

Here's the test, for anyone who's interested: CLICK HERE!


Friday, June 18, 2010

Who was your last..?

"Who was your last?"

I found this list of questions on Shinta Rahman's blog called "YooChunnie's Angel".
I like the questions so I decided to fill out this form! ^^ Enjoy reading!


1. Had a beer with?
- I never had a beer.. well.. the person I last took a sip of a beer with was Marlies.. but I haven't seen her in years~

2 . Went to the movies with?
- My group of friends (Dieuwke, Natascha, Lisa, Daphne and Daan), we went to Alice in Wonderland! ^^

3. Went to the mall with?
- My sister Irene

4 . Talked on the phone with?
- My grandma! =)

5. Made you laugh?
- My dad

6. You hugged?
- XP I forgot!

7 . You yelled at?
- Probably my sister? :$ I hardly ever yell at someone..

Would you rather:

1. Pierce your nose or tongue? and why?
- I'd rather not pierce one of them at all! ^^" but if I have to, I'd pierce my nose, although I don't think it will look good... Piercing your tongue seems to be very painful

2. Be serious or be funny?
- Funny, although a balance between funny and serious is the best! ^^

3. Drink whole or skim milk?
- Whole! ^^ What do I got to worry? besides, whole tastes better! =D

4. Die in a fire or get shot?
- Get shot! Better make that a head shot! XP The fastest and least painful way out of the two "choices"


1. Sun or moon?
- Sun! =D I love the day, I love the light... ^^ The sun brings out "DAY"-"LIGHT" XD

2. Winter or Fall
- Fall, it's less cold than Winter and still has a chance of bringing forth sunny days! =) Then there are those great sights of Autumn weather! ^^

3. Left or right?
- Right, but I can do everything (except writing) with my left hand too! =)

4. Sunny or rainy?

5. Peach or Pear?
- Peach ^^

6. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
- Twirl it around chopsticks! ^^

7. Do You Cook?
- Ehmmm... *scratches back of head* I can make pancakes.. ^^" =) But I'm going to try a Korean recipe soon! =D

8. Current mood?
- Sleepy, but waiting for my crops to have grown.. in FarmVille.. X'D I've slowly become an addict of that game.. --" So much for growing up.. ^^"


1. Kissed someone?
- Nope ^^ Unless a kiss on the cheek of a relative counts? =P

2. Sang?
- Yep! I always do~! I'm in both choirs of our church and I also sing popsongs at home =P The last song I sang was Corinne Bailey Ray's "Put your records on"

3. Been hugged?
- Not that I can remember.. +_+

4. Danced Crazy?
- Guilty! I danced to 2PM's "Heartbeat", I tried to copy part of their dance and then just messed up.. XD

5. Cried?
- Nope.. only tears from eye-irritation.. Darn grass-allergy!


World Cup and personality check

Almost a week ago the World Cup soccer has started again and I'm sure most of you have seen the opening or at least one game..
So far I have seen the following games:
~ Australia - Germany
~ Paraguay - Servia
~ Netherlands - Denmark
~ Argentina - South Korea

I'm not really a soccer fan, but the World Cup is different! ^^" The feeling of the country becoming a little bit more united - and the rest of the world too in some sense - is just really nice =)

The last game I saw was today's Argentina - South Korea game.. Argentina won with 4 against 1.. I hadn't really expected South Korea to win, because South Korea isn't really a soccer country and Argentina is, but I think they did deserve more! ^^
At least the support of South Korea was big! =)
Super Junior and Big Bang even made songs to support their national soccer team!

Although the fans are supportive, I noticed that South Korea is not even really taken seriously in the Netherlands.. =(
I was kind of disappointed to learn that even the commentor of the game (who should know about the game's players) didn't have any knowledge about the Korean players!
The only thing the commentor knew was that Park JiSung was a player for Manchester United and thus a hero in South Korea!
Also, the commentor was obviously on Argentina's side! -_- He was constantly commenting on Argentina's players, their manager/coach, their private lives even! 0_0
It was mostly positive too..
Then there was this habit of the commentor to comment on everything out of Argentina's perspective.. for example:
If Javier Mascherano would take the ball from Park JiSung, the commentor would say: "Mascherano took the ball."
And if it was the other way around, the commentor would say: "Mascherano was taken the ball from."

This might have to do with the names of the Korean soccer players too...
There are several Kim's, Lee's and Park's in the team and their personal names are hard to pronounce for someone who isn't familiar with the Korean language/sounds.

At some point the commentor didn't even bother to hide his personal preference for Argentina's soccer team, he bluntly stated: "Argentina has really shown us they are worthy to play at the highest level.. South Korea is trained well to be able to participate in the World Cup, but they are hardly a threat to Argentina, their play is pretty awful, it looks like nothing.."
I translated it from Dutch to English, but this was pretty much what he has said.
That's when I felt really disappointed..
Sure, South Korea wasn't very strong against Argentina, but they did what they could and even managed to score!
I think they do have potential to become ranked 2nd in their poule, besides they beat Greece with 2-0! ;) although Greece isn't a soccer country either..

Something completely different..
I was just visiting the Xiah-sshi Forums, when I found this:
~ A personality check in which you have to draw a house and answer 10 questions about it.

I made the drawing and answered the questions. My results are:
«Based on your drawing and the 10 answers you gave this is a summary of your personality:
You are sensitive and indecisive at times. You are a freedom lover and a strong person. You love your house and family. You are a gifted artist as well. Once you have a problem, you need a friend with you. Your life is always full of changes. You are very tidy person. There's nothing wrong with that because you're pretty popular among friends. Your life is always full of changes.

When it comes to love, you shut yourself off. It's difficult to win your heart because you have decided to keep your feelings deep inside. You have a strong personality and you like to command, influence and control people.

You added a flower into your drawing. The flower signifies that you long for love. We also see that you are sensuous, sexual, and privately passionate. You don't think much about yourself.»

The above description is actually pretty accurate, the only thing that's off is that I 'like to command' people.. I do feel like influencing (in giving them my point of view, when I feel comfortable around them) and I'd like a bit of control, in order to prevent myself from losing control of the situation..
Another thing is that I don't consider myself sensuous, sexual or passionate.. Privately passionate as in 'not public'? Yes, that's me, but whether I'm passionate, I don't think I am..

Now this girl is going to get her rest! =) ^^ byebye! *waves*
I hope you have sweet dreams! And if you're not about to go to sleep, have a wonderful day! =D


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Blog changes..

Hi everyone~!

As you might have noticed, I made quite some changes around here..
Part of the reason is the developments of Blogger, they made it possible to choose from more lay-outs.
^^ So that's when I decided to take a look.. and I have to say: Nice designs! =)

As I said, the Blogger developments were a reason for the change, but the most important reason for a blog change is my personal change..
Lately I feel like growing up and becoming more professional, instead of wasting time and being a child.. Does this feeling have to do with turning 20 perhaps?

In the past years I've been through some important fases of my life, and although I still feel like a young and unexperienced girl, I also feel it's time to do something with my life..

You might ask me why this has something to do with my blog lay-out.. XP
Well, that's because I feel like changing the feel of my blog to make it more compatible with how I'm feeling! =)
Sounds reasonable, doesn't it? ^^

Anyway, I won't turn boring! ^^ I promise! =P
Growing up is one thing, but losing your inner child isn't really part of that! XD
At least, in my opinion..
The thing is, I want to do more productive things and be more responsible and disciplined in general..
The things I want to do:
1. Finish translating my English story into a Dutch one and go to a publisher!
2. Rewrite "Verliefd, Verleid, Verloren" so it can be brought out too..
3. Recruit friends to start filming my story.. So I can audition at the Film Academy as editor..
4. Make YouTube skits!
5. Continue playing the piano and learning to play Yiruma's songs.. (I already know 2: "River Flows In You" and "When the Love Falls")

^^ As I said just now, I want to be more disciplined, which means I should go to sleep now...
It's already past midnight, so I'm late, and I still have to take a shower.. =X

Well~ I guess that means byebye for now! =)
I'll be back soon! ^^

Ps: I spend hours on changing most of the previous entries to fit the new lay-out! 0_0 but I'm content on the outcome! ^^

Ciao~ ♥


Friday, June 4, 2010

An update on my life! =P

Hi everyone~!

If I pass for my tests, I'm done with this school year!! =D
So that's why I found some time to update on my blog! ^^
First of all:
I just noticed my blog has been viewed over 5,000 times! =D
*bows* I hope my content is worth that many views, again thank you!

Currently I'm not doing so well..
Yesterday, I mean the 2nd of June, was my birthday, but I didn't feel that happy..
It all started with a lack of sleep on the night before, caused by terrible itching!
To be honest I haven't slept well in weeks!
To add on that, my skin looks more like elephant's skin, my eyes have huge bags and I constantly have to sneeze due to my grass allergy!A year ago I didn't even know that existed!!
What's more, I had a test on my birthday! It was a Media & Society test and I had to guess almost 50% of the questions... Luckily the test consisted only of multiple choice questions, so there might still be a chance I passed it..
To top all of that, I was out all day and only returned home at 23:00h, because after my test I had a course in writing short stories and it got late because it was the last lesson.
I don't really know why, but I felt slightly depressed.. probably because of my itchy and damaged skin..
Apparently I even looked sad, since someone actually stopped in their tracks, turned to me and tried to make me smile..

Even now, I feel that same light depression within me..
Physically I'm not really feeling well, due to eczema and allergy. For that same reason, I postponed making another video..
Mentally I feel like sleeping and crying for no reason, I'm not really eager to do my hobbies anymore, but I do want to feel better and sometimes that's enough for me to shrug it off (temporarily) and be happy. My biggest issue is my sleep.. I really want to sleep, but I don't want to go to sleep, because I know I'll be tossing and turning until at least 3:00 AM, only to wake up again at 6:00 AM..

Sorry for my depressing post..
Suddenly I felt I had to write about this, 'cause it's the most accurate state of mind of mine right now..
^^ There were some nice things on my birthday too, though!
~ My sister gave me a DVD called "The Joy Luck Club", which is a story of 4 Chinese families of 2 generations. The story takes place in China in the beginning of the 20th Century, all the way to San Francisco around this time.
~ On my birthday I had the most wonderful weather! The sun was shining and for the first time in a while, the temperature was above 20 degrees Celsius.
~ Lots of people send me texts, mail or commented on my account on Hyves or Facebook to congratulate me with my birthday. If you're one of them and you read this: THANK YOU, I WISH YOU HAD A NICE DAY AS WELL!

Even though I'm not as happy as the usual me really is.. I'll try to smile, even when I'm alone.. and you won't notice anything different..


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Me & My Piano!

As the title says, this post is about me.. and (try guessing XD) .. my piano! XP
Well~ actually it's about my new vlog! ^^ Is it [vlog] or do I have to pronounce it like this: [vee-log]? XD
As I was trying to say.. OH BOMBER!! XD I wanted to stop calling it a vlog!!! -_-"

Anyway~ here is the vid in which I play the piano! =)

Just a side note: the camera I used is still my photo camera XD so no top quality.. I guess those aren't made to record high quality sound! XP

I hope you enjoy this vid! I have a new idea already, but it might take some time for me to post it... ^^"

Ciao ciao! (I'll be in Italy on the 1st of May! =D)


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

...No real title XD...

I'm going to cut my hair.. DRASTICALLY!...... Just saying..

& I'm going to make a vlog before I cut it...... Just saying..

& I'm going to make an appointment to cut my hair on Friday.. THIS Friday...... Just saying..

& And I'm sleepy...... Just yawning..

Xx Bye~


Sunday, April 11, 2010

New idea vlog + piano workshop

^^ It has been some time, but I'm back with a blog entry!

First of all: Lately I've been feeling better! =)
Before I felt a bit depressed.. not like I was down or something, just really tired and not motivated to do things, but that's been going better now! =)

Reasons why my mood lifted:
~ I recently got into contact with an old friend again ^^
~ I've been creatively productive again
~ My exams are over and I passed both of them
~ I've been listening to K-pop day after day XD
~ I discovered more songs of Ayumi Hamasaki (of whom I am a fan occasionally..)
~ My sister send me a few songs over the phone! =D Now I don't have low quality, self recorded crap as ringtone anymore! XD

As the title says.. I have a new idea for my vlog.. well.. YouTube channel.. I rather don't call it a vlog, since I might do comedy and skits as well in the future.. =)
Anyway, you can expect a new vid soon, which I will place here too! ;)

Oh, ^^ I just want to say I had a piano workshop today (and I also played in front of public after wards).. =D It was fun! ^^ That's all I wanted to say.. X'D

^^ Byebye! *waves*


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My day..

You want to know how my day was? YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW MY DAY WAS?!
*pulls own hair*

^^" No, I'm just kidding! =)
I'm not thát annoyed with the happenings of my day..
Lot's of things did happen though..

Today, I woke up at 6:45 am.. which is wayyy~ to early for me! XD
I don't have a bad mood in the morning, I just don't like mornings that much.. XP
Anyway, I woke up so early because I had an English exam today!

^^ I actually didn't study much for that exam! XD I figured.. it's English.. my English is okay.. Nahh, I don't need to study!
I think I did well, though.. =)

When I went home again, after spending a few hours relaxing in the sun with friends, I found out someone has been messing with my bicycle! :@
Apparently, someone thought it was "funny" to release the air out of one of my tires and then pull the rubber aside.. -_-"
Mann~, I was pissed when I saw what they had done!
I had to walk the whole 15-minute drive (it takes 40 minutes to walk)!
I'm not a person who gets blisters easily, but for some reason both of my heels have blisters now too!
It's just NOT FUNNY! Do these people have problems with the definition of 'fun' or something?!

When I got home, things got better..
I finally realized I had time for my own now! =D There's absolutely nothing I can do for school! ~ lalalala~ FREEDOM! =D Just 2 days though.. after the weekend begins a new semester, equals a new project, equals new work, equals business.. should I continue?...

..and now I have to clean my room.. T-T
My mum has started to ask me again and again ^^"

^^ Byebye for now~! TTYL~!


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Photobucket//// *sigh*

Oops.. I exceeded Photobucket's monthly uploading allowance.. I uploaded too much MB on photo's...
..and now Photobucket has temporarily blocked all my photobucket images until the 16th of April, when all the monthly MB rates drop to zero..

T-T I have too many images from Photobucket.. and now my blog seems empty.. =X


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

~ I'm bored and I don't feel like sleeping.. ~

What to do when you're bored... *sigh*
To me the white sheet of an empty blog message is very alluring.. it makes me want to fill it with interesting stories! ^^ but it's usually not that interesting..
Just to make it more interesting, all types of games and question lists have been made by people who understand that blogging is very difficult when nothing big really happens in your life.. *breath in, breath out* ..but to be different from all the other blogs, you have to be unique.. *question mark, troubled expression* .. so you make your OWN LIST! X'D *slaps forehead*..

*cough* So that's what I'll do.. ^ー^"
It'll have only 3 questions..

1) What are you happy about?
Right now, I'm happy that my parents approve about me auditioning for the Film Academy next year.. ^^ I'm also happy that my photo camera (yes, I use a PHOTO camera to make MOVIES! XD) works with an file extention that is compatible with my computer! =D In that way I don't have to move mountains to get my vids done! ^^

2) What are you unhappy about?
I'm unhappy about my parents disapproving about my plans for the next year.. because I can't audition for the coming year at the Film Academy, I figured I wanted to spend the coming year going to Indonesia, stay with my family there, work a job and making vids during my free time.. (a great plan! ^^ At least, that's what I think).. but my parents think I should stay in my current study, to finish 2nd year of MIC, although that wouldn't get me a higher educational grade.. but I guess they have a point when they say I should finish 2nd year, because it's not sure I make it through the audition, so might I be rejected I can start at 3rd year of MIC.. *sigh* I just really hoped I could go to Indo~

3) What are you going to do?
Right now, I'm going to post this, log off and sleep.. Tomorrow, I'll be waking up early, start making some homework, maybe think of some script and leave for school.. When I get back, I'm afraid I have to play piano and then STUDY, STUDY, STUDY! =( I so dislike school now.. I'm not really motivated anymore.. but, I'll finish this year well and then I'm going to enjoy my summer vacation! ^^

That was my question thing..

I read one of my previous posts and in that post I was ranting about my stress for the Pitch I had to do.. I figured I should also tell you how it ended! ^^
I made a powerpoint presentation and I kept a paper with me, so in the end I was able to do well! =)
I really improved and that should count! ^^ Actually, I still was nervous like crazy and when I started my voice shot up from the nervousness! =X
Luckily nobody noticed, because I started my pitch with reading a small piece of my own story, which started with the word "Hey!" XD and that was exactly when my voice decided to octavate.. Keke!

Now I'd better go to sleep.. =)

*ANNYONG~!* (v^ー°)


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Question - Answer! =)

A small list of questions! =)
I promise it to be small! ^^v ᆿᆿᆿ
Since last time it became a #R*&^#$ long list! ^^"

1. Name people who made you smile today?
~ Mom, my sister, ChiHo, Bas & Esther

2. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
~ turning around in my bed ^^"

3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
~ browsing through someone else's blog.. (that's where I found this list!^^"

4. What is something that happened to you in 1992?
~ That year I got a little sister! ^^ And I turned 2 that year.. much more hasn't happened I guess XP ^^ Oh, wait, my mum gave me my first vocal lessons! XD ᆿᆿᆿ

5. What is the last thing you said aloud?
~ "Just get the CD from the orange package downstairs..!"

6. How many different things did you drink today?
~ Ehm.. I drank tea, chocolate milk, again tea.. That makes 2 different things! =P

7. What color is your hairbrush?
~ Blue..

8. What was the last thing you bought?
~ Lunch, or better said, pre-dinner, since it was almost dinner time and I was still far from home X'D..

9. Who was the last person you met?
~ My entire class.. ^^ but if you count the last person I saw.. it has to be ChiHo, he left last, before I left.. ^^"I'm such a nerd XD

10. What color is your front door?
~ Bright red.. It truly is, but yeah.. that's what you get when your father's favorite color is red.. ~_~

11. Where do you keep your change?
~ In my wallet, like everyone else.. I think! X'D

12. What's the weather like today?
~ Sunny and clear, but chilly since it still is the end of winter..

13. What is the best ice cream flavor?
~ Chocolate and Coconut! =D

14. What is something you are excited about?
~ K-POP!! Especially TVXQ, Super Junior and F.T Island!! =)

15. When was the last rainbow you saw?
~ Far too long ago.. I can't remember exactly.. T^T

16. What size shoe do you wear?
~ 39, sometimes 40.. I DON'T HAVE LARGE FEET!!!ᆿᆿᆿ ^^"

17. Are you a cheerful person?
~ Definitely! ^^ I like to laugh and I don't know what PMS, depression or chagrin feels like! ^^"

18. Do you want to cut your hair?
~ YEAH!! ^^ Well, I want curls first.. and when that has worn out, I'll cut it.. (see a few posts earlier..^^)

19. Do you talk a lot?
~ Not really, I'm more of a writer.. ^^

20. Does your screen name have an "x" in it?
~ Nope.. No X is in CherryChocol8! ^^ =]

21. Do you know anyone named Steven?
~ Uh.. Yeah, but I never see/hear from that person.. ^^" He was a classmate in the first grade of High School.. I'm now in college.. It's been about 8 years that I've last seen him.. but we were never close, so that's not a problem ;)

22. Do you love your friends?
~ Now tell me, who wouldn't? XP Isn't that why you're friends with certain people, because YOU LOVE THEM! So YEAH, I LOVE MY FRIENDS! =)

23. Are you typically a jealous person?
~ I'm not really a jealous type of person.. Maybe that's because I've never really had a reason to be jealous..

24. Name someone whose name starts with the letter "R":
~ RyeoWook! ^^ =D

25. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter "A":
~ Anne!

26. Who's the 1st person on your received calls list?
~ My mom! ^^" ᆿᆿᆿᆿᆿᆿᆿᆿᆿ

I'm sleepy.. GOOD NIGHT!! =D



Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bowling for Columbine..

Hi everyone~!
I just finished watching "Bowling for Columbine".. It's quite a moving documentary..
^^ The DVD was actually for free.. that's why I got it..
Let me explain.. XP

It all started when I went to "Fame", a music/DVD/entertainment store, where I bought 2 Korean movies, under the label of "Quality Film Collection".. That label thingy was having an action.. They both had codes and when I would enter those codes on the website I could pick out a free DVD of choice (the choices were limited though..)
So I picked "Bowling for Columbine", because we had watched a part of that documentary at school and I found it interesting at that time..

^^ I was actually very lucky.. because:
1). "Bowling for Columbine" was a free DVD
2). One of the Korean DVD's had an extra DVD in the cover (which I found out later X'D)
3). There was a second DVD in the cover of "Bowling for Columbine" too!! O_O..

Conclusion..: I paid the price of 2 DVDs, to receive 5!!! ^^ Ain't I lucky now? =D
And those 2 DVDs were very cheap too! =X

But... to get back on the documentary I watched..
I think there's lots of things wrong with the perception of the gun-issue in the US.. O_O Mannnnnnnn, I'm soooo happy guns are illegal in the Netherlands.. XP
In the Netherlands it's like this: Owning a gun = risking a high fine or penalty ... We're not even talking about the usage of a gun.. ^^"
Also.. I feel safe, as is..

I feel kind of weird that people would actually have a loaded gun in their home to "protect themselves and their family", while there is no actual danger they expect..
Having guns would only make it easier for unauthorized people to do some bad things.. like youngsters taking their dad's gun to school to show it off and then having it stolen, or worse, used..


Thursday, February 25, 2010

^^ HI~

Hi everyone~! ^^
How have you been? =)
I have been away for a few days (away from my blog, that is.. ^^ㆀ)..
..but now I'm back with a new entry! *yaay!*

As always.. I forgot something! *shame on me!*
About me forgetting.. it's not something I don't do often.. as stated before.. ^^ㆀ
I'm kind of a "serial forgetter" X'D or actually more like someone who'll always get things mixed up..
Last week, at the end of our school project, when the winner was going to be announced, I mixed up the dates.. We were nominated and the 17th february was going to be the day they revealed the winner.. on the 16th I said to Bas (a classmate) that it was that day.. ^^ㆀ but it was the 16th, so..
On another day that week I had printed and brought my English reader (the printing almost caused me to arrive too late at school) to class, but we didn't have an English class that day.. -_-ㆀ So very typically my behavior..

^^ㆀ And there was me.. wondering why they would call me "blond".. since I'm a natural brunette (with almost black hair!)..

I have some ideas for my hair..
.. but I can't decide (also something I'm very bad at.. ^^ㆀ)

~ The first choice is to get it permanented, like Acha Septriasa's hair in "Love is Cinta"..
I really like to try curls, not very small ones, but curls like her's.. ^^ maybe a little more ^^ The thing is, will it ruin my hair? Or will it stay like that for only 2 hours or so? ^^ㆀ

~ My second choice is to cut my hair kind of very short.. *waits for the shock effect XD* .. keke, I'm not kidding.. I might want to cut it shorter than shoulder length, with a fringe.. Something like Park ShinHye had when she filmed the drama "You're beautiful" (I'm talking about the female hairdo ofcourse! ^^)

My current hair looks like this:

^^ㆀ I look weird, so just look at my hair please! X'D

I don't know what I should do... curls, or short??

I'll go now, you can comment to help me make my choice! ^^ I would like to hear your advice on this! =D
~ I'll be back later!!
Byebye!! *waves*


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day! ^^

Hi~ everyone~!

Today is Valentine's Day! =) So I wish you all a happy Valentine's Day!
For everyone with a boy- or girlfriend: ^^ I hope you have/had a great time together today! May it be ROMANTIC! =D
For everyone single: I hope you have/had a great day too, because there's always family and friends! ;) By the way, I'm single now too and I've had a great time today! =D I've done nothing special, but I still felt loved today ^^


Some announcements: they're really off topic, but heck, maybe it's nice to know X'D ^^"
~ I finally found a Dutch DBSK Fanclub! =D ^^ Now I'm part of Dutch Cassiopeia!! *jumps excitedly*
~ I watched "You're Beautiful", a K-Drama with Jang Geun Suk, Park Shin Hye, Jung Yong Hwa (from CN Blue!) & Lee Hong Ki (from FT Island!).. ^^ A great Drama!! If you haven't seen it, let me just say this: WATCH THAT DRAMA! Keke.. =P Personally I think it's on the same level as "Boys Over Flowers", which is VERY GOOD! ^^
~ I've just put the whole first album of FT Island on my mp3 (XD I'm still using my mp3 more often than my IPod..) I know they have made a lot more.. but since I'm just starting to listen to their songs, I thought I should start with their first album and then the others.. ^^ That way they can only get better! XD

^^ So that were my announcements.. and they were REALLY OFF TOPIC! XD

^^ Yep.. this is the album cover of FT Island's first album: "Cheerful Sensibility"..
And with this said, I'm going to start my review! ^^ Always wanted to do one! XD Although the album is from 2007 =X

~ 1. Love Pains
~ 2. I Am Happy
~ 3. Thunder
~ 4. Only One Person
~ 5. Cling
~ 6. A Man's First Love Follows Him To The Grave
~ 7. They Said To Stop
~ 8. F.T Island
~ 9. Reo Reo
~ 10. Primadonna
~ 11. Meeting
~ 12. Because I Don't Know How To Love
~ 13. First Kiss

#1 - Love Pains - 사랑앓이
This song has a great feel.. It starts off with soft sounds and has a certain curious sound in it. When the chorus started I thought: "YES!", very powerful and at the same time full of feeling. ^^ Very powerful vocals of HongKi! =) The muffled shouting was less, but it brought a good change in the music.. and still it fitted! ^^ Overall a very good song! ;)

#2 - I Am Happy - 행복합니다
This song didn't directly catch my attention when I first listened the album.. It's a very average song in my opinion, but it a surprisingly relaxing song! ^^ Again very powerful vocals of HongKi completed with the others vocals in the background halfway the song! ^^ The rap part was sweet and a nice flow from HongKi's singing to WonBin's rapping and back to HongKi's singing! Not very outstanding musical composition, but it's nice to listen to! =) Overall a nice song!

#3 - Thunder - 천둥
The first thing that catches my attention is the unusual combination of the drum sound and the electric guitar sound. I know these instruments are not unusual together, but the sounds they make in this song are refreshing together.. =) The vocal part is beautiful, it starts off softly and then builds up to a strong vocal in the chorus and then goes back to being beautifully soft! ^^ I like it very much! Although this is not so catchy that it stays in your mind after hearing it once or twice, and you don't sing along after a few times.. but this song is a little jewel!! ^^ =D A wonderful song!

#4 - Only One Person - 한사람만
"Oh beautiful" is what I thought after hearing the first tunes of this song, then HongKi starts singing and it greatly flows from flute solo into guitar based ballad into powerful song. I like the variety of instruments used in this song.. I hear flute, clarinet, acoustic guitar, piano, violins, drums.. ^^ I like it! This song might not be a song you listen everyday, but it's a beautiful song, definitely! ^^

#5 - Cling - 집착
It starts off being a peaceful song, then it builds up a tension with rap (I think it's WonBin who raps), which is beautifully interrupted with a feelful vocal of HongKi, then the rap builds up the rest of the song into the chorus which is again sung by HongKi.. The switching between rap and vocal continues during the whole song and beautifully ends with a rap full of soul.. Very nice to listen to, also a catchy melody and a lot of feel! =) Personally I think this song is one of the best on this album! I like it a lot! ^^

#6 - A Man's First Love Follows Him To The Grave - 남자의 첫사랑은 무덤까지 간다
Long title.. especially when you include both the English and the Korean title.. ^^ The song has a groove to it.. ^^ First I thought it was a Reaggae-type of song was X'D Listening to it now, it sounds very good. It's different and that's great! ^^ The feel of this song is very relaxing, the vocals are at some part seducingly low and attractively sung.. ^^ If I didn't know the title in English I might have thought it was a seducing love song.. but.. it's not.. XP (I'll post the lyrics later! ^^ I'm curious too! XD)

#7 - They Said To Stop - 하지말래요
This song builds nicely and the feel is very good. I like to hear the chorus is sung by more voices than just HongKi's, it adds nicely to the song! With this song HongKi has proven to me that he really is a very good vocalist, besides singing powerful, he is also very talented in singing softly.. The guitar sound is very good too! As I said, the feel of this song is very good, without knowing the the meaning of the title and lyrics, it will still be clear as ice this is a sad song! And a beautiful one at that! ;)

#8 - F.T Island
^^ A promotional song for their band! =) Lots of bands have them.. Think 1TYM - 1TYM, BIGBANG - BIGBANG, etc. where's DBSK's?^^" This one's very nice, but a little basic.. ^^ "F.T... I.S... L.A... N.D., LET'S GO!" =) Very catchy! Although I get a little tired after hearing it a few times in a short time period..

#9 - Reo Reo
Nice start! ^^ Directly powerful and a very catchy tune! The drum really caught my attention, the rhythm is really refreshing and nice to listen to! ^^ The sound of the lyrics is very easy to catch on (at least, at the chorus), even non-korean speaking people will be able to sing a piece of the song! ^^ This song get's me happy since the first time hearing it! =D Great song!

#10 - Primadonna
^^ My favorite song from this album! =D Slow and lazy intro (in the good sense), but then it stops and get's tense before the really hyper drums begin to play.. Then the song just drags you in! Great to hear JaeJin sing a part of the vocals! ^^ Catchy as crazy and very tempting to shout out "Pe-ri-ma-do-nna~!" along with the song! Their Konglish way of pronouncing "Primadonna" in the song is actually very charming! ^^ An addicting song! Written in dedication to their fanclub "Primadonna"..

#11 - Meeting - 마중
A ballad alike start with interesting melody when HongKi's vocals start.. It really pulled me into the song! The instrumental basis is very beautiful, together with the vocals it makes the song sound really sweet and thoughtful, almost like a lullaby to a loved one.. Very sweet to listen to! ^^ One of my faves from this album. =)

#12 - Because I Don't Know How To Love - 사랑하는 법을 몰라서
Again a long title, but it doesn't matter, because the song makes up for it XP. The song is a ballad, the intro and first couplet did not really impress me, but the chorus DID! O_O very powerful! =) after that, the second couplet suddenly impressed me a lot more! ^^ A suprising ballad, but a beautiful one! ^^

#13 - First Kiss - 첫키스
The last song of the album.. The song didn't catch my attention at first, but when listening it very carefully now, I realized how sweet it sounds. The song is sung with a certain tenderness, like precious memories are being told.. The title does not deny it either! ^^ When listening to this song, images of summer and spring come to my mind! ^^ A very dreamy feeling.. I like it a lot! Picking this song as the last song of the album also is a very good choice! ^^ It stays in my mind, until (and that is soon!) I will listen to the album again! =D

My conclusion:
A very good album, nice songs and a lot of variety between up-tempo rock songs, pop songs, ballads and everything in between! Every song of the album has a lot of feel to it.. especially because of HongKi's powerful and soulful vocals! A must have for every k-pop listener! ^^


I have to go now, it's getting late, but I'll post the lyrics of the songs and a biography of every member of F.T Island soon~! I can't promise tomorrow, because I might be really busy (in fact I know I'm going to have only a little time..) but I won't forget! ;)

ANNYONG~! =D *waves*


Monday, February 1, 2010


Hi everyone! ^^

I was just browsing Winglin, then got to Shredded Hearts (request site)..
Until I found this thingy! XD
A list of "this or that".. ^^ I so wanted to do that too XD, so here is my list!
(I used the same options... I commented each question too!)

[x] Be 4′1
[] Be 7′9?
because: I the shorter I am, the more guys are taller than me, which I feel is a MUST!

Would you rather...
[] Live without music
[x] Live without TV?
because: I always listen to music, yet I hardly watch TV..

Would you rather...
[] Eat a bar of soap
[x] Drink a bottle of dishwashing liquid?
because: I think it's easier downing it when drinking than having to chomp it first.. XD

Would you rather...
[x] Be called a racist
[] Be called a traitor to your country?
because: the first is least bad.. ^^ㆀ

Would you rather...
[x] Lose your legs
[] Lose your arms?
because: *thinks of having to do everything with her feet..* =X having arms is just much more convenient..

Would you rather….
[x] Have a beautiful house and an ugly car
[] Have an ugly house and a beautiful car?
because: A car is not everything.. XD I'll spend more time in my house.. I'll have a beautiful bike! X'D

Would you rather...
[] Be blind
[x] Be deaf?
because: a blind person has a more difficult time living without help, a deaf person can at least take care of him/her-self..

If in a fire, would you rather save a...
[x] Sibling
[] Stranger?
because: .. that's only natural, unless you have hatred for your sibling, but I don't...

Would you rather...
[] Be spanked
[x] Be put on restriction (on your favorite thing to do)?
because: I can live with being unable to do something I like for a period of time, but I don't like pain.. X'D

Would you rather...
[x] Eat sushi
[] Eat liver?
because: I've never tasted Sushi.. but I guess I'll like that better, because liver is just gross!! O_O

Would you rather...
[x] Live in Antarctica
[] Live in Death Valley?
because: It is practically impossible to survive in the Death Valley if you would plan on living there.. XD So, I'll live in Antarctica then..

Would you rather...
[] Have 3 eyes
[x] Webbed Feet?
because: You can't tell when you see me first.. T_T

Would you rather...
[x] Find true love
[] Get $ 1,000,000?
because: aaah.. this is the classical "this or that"-question! XD I'll choose true love! =P Although I don't really believe in soulmates and true love.. but, since it's granted then.. It'll be true then, right? ^^

Would you rather...
[x] Always have to say what’s on your mind
[] Never speak again?
because: =X I already say what's on my mind..

Would you rather...
[] Be gossiped about
[x] Never talked about at all?
because: When they don't talk about me, then there won't be rumours about me, true or false.. but who says they don't THINK about me? XD *grins evilly*

Would you rather...
[x] Have stars in your eyes
[] Eyes in the back of your head?
because: I'd rather be as normal as possible.. soo.. NO EYES IN THE BACK OF MY HEAD!!

Would you rather….
[] Have X-Ray vision
[x] Bionic Hearing?
because: with X-Ray vision you'll see things you might not want to see.. *hint* but with bionic hearing, you can get a lot of knowledge (social knowledge XD)

Would you rather...
[x] Be able to hear any conversation
[] Take back anything you say?
because: If you can hear all conversations, you won't need to take back your words, because, you'll know what to say better.. ^^

Would you rather...
[] End hunger
[x] End hatred?
because: when hatred is gone, people will start to care for each other more, which means we can take care of the hungry people together! =)

Would you rather...
[x] Publish your diary
[] Make a movie about your most embarrassing moment?
because: My most embarrassing moment is not written in my diary, by the way, the most recent entry is from 5 years ago or something! XD

Would you rather...
[x] Get caught singing in the mirror
[] Get caught spying on your crush?
because: I can sing well enough.. but my crush will remain a secret at all times! (I don't have one at this moment though ^^ㆀ)

Would you rather...
[] Be a dog named Killer
[x] A cat named Fluffy?
because: hahaha XD I'd always be a cat rather than a dog! ^^ Dogs are known to respond to their name, but cats don't always have to.. ^^ So the name "Fluffy" would cause me not to react! Keke..

Would you rather...
[] Be stranded on an island with someone you hate
[x] Be stranded on an island alone?
because: Ehm.. just to keep it peaceful.. ^^

Would you rather...
[] Get even
[x] Get over it?
because: things can't be that important to fight over.. ^^ and if they are, the best will win! XD Getting even always means a friction between me and someone else..

Would you rather...
[x] Always lose
[] Never play?
because: Playing is more fun than winning! ^^

Would you rather...
[] Be forced to tell your best friend a lie
[x] Be forced to tell your parents the truth?
because: Although it might be more difficult to tell my parents the truth than telling my best friend a lie, I'd still rather tell the truth than a lie! ^^

Would you rather...
[x] Know it all
[] Have it all?
because: When you know it all, you'll never get called "stupid" or "brainless".. When you have it all, people will just assume you must be "dumb"..

Would you rather...
[] Give bad advice
[x] Get bad advice?
because: In that way I won't be the one to blame.

Would you rather...
[] Have sand in your shorts
[x] Have water in your ear?
because: No real reason.. XD Sand is just much more annoying than water!

Would you rather...
[x] Forget your sunscreen
[] Forget your sunglasses?
because: I don't always need sunscreen.. XD but I need my sunglasses!

Would you rather...
[] Kiss a jellyfish
[x] Step on a crab?
because: the injury seems similar.. but I'd rather be injured on my foot than on my mouth!! ^^ㆀ

Would you rather...
[] Own a ski lodge
[x] Own a surf camp?
because: Surfing is way cooler than skiing! XD I suck at both! =X

Would you rather...
[x] Forget who you were
[] Forget everyone else and who they were?
because: If I forget myself, people can tell me about myself.. but if I forget other people they will be hurt.. and I'll only remember myself, so I'll only have myself to tell me about other people... which won't work! ^^ㆀ

Would you rather...
[x] Have one wish granted today
[] Have 3 wishes granted in 10 years?
because: I'm impatient! =X besides, one wish now means there's nothing said about the 10 years that still have to come.. 3 wishes in 10 year means there are just 3 in the following 10 years! XD

Would you rather...
[x] Give up your computer
[] Give up your pet?
because: My little rabbit means more to me than a computer.. only the fact a computer can be replaced and a rabbit can't, says it all!

Would you rather...
[] Be the sandcastle
[x] Be the wave?
because: I like to be water, more than sand! XD Keke..

Would you rather...
[] Write the worst book in history
[x] Record the worst song in history?
because: If I have the title "worst book in history" on my name, I can shake it with my dream to become a writer.. I have never wanted to be a singer (at least not for real!), so having the title "worst song in history" on my name would not make a difference! XD

Would you rather...
[] Get free chocolate for 1 year
[x] Get free potatoes forever?
because: Potatoes are more healthy! by the way, free chocolate for a year means I get seriously addicted, which wouldn't do me any good! X'D

Would you rather...
[x] Have half days of school everyday
[] Have no homework forever?
because: half days, which means I will always have time to do the things I like best! =)

Would you rather...
[] Wear all pink to school
[x] Wear all purple to school?
because: I like purple better! =) I already wear a lot of purple, although never all purple!XD

Would you rather...
[x] Take a math test
[] Do a lab in science?
because: I suck at science!! O_O I'm good at maths! ^^ 8) So the choice is easy!

Would you rather...
[] Have a mansion in the middle of nowhere
[x] Share an apartment with 10 friends?
because: Good company is better than luxury! =) So this one is easy too! ^^

Would you rather...
[] Bake cookies in cooking class
[x] Do art projects in art class?
because: Did I mention I LOVE ART? ^^ ~Again, the choice is easy!! Art class of course! (^-^)V

Would you rather...
[] Have a pie-eating contest
[x] A wheelbarrow race?
because: I dislike binge-eating! X_x That's so gross to see! Racing with wheelbarrows seems to be a lot of fun though! ^^ㆀ

Would you rather...
[] Have a big group of friends
[x] One very close friend?
because: I'd rather have a friend that I can open my heart to and with whom I can share my secrets than be part of a large group and feel like a sheep.. ^^ㆀ If you get what I'm trying to say here..

Would you rather...
[x] Be nervous, but excited
[] Be relaxed, but bored?
because: A little adrenaline is good for a person, besides being excited is much more fun than being bored.. although it's nice to be relaxed too! XP

Would you rather...
[x] Wear a school uniform
[] Last year’s Halloween costume?
because: Probably because I've never wore one! ^^ To me it looks a fun experience.. XD although it might be really boring too! =X

Would you rather...
[] Spend the day surfing the Internet
[x] Surf the ocean?
because: I think it's much more fun to be outside surfing (and meeting people)! ^^ㆀ If only it's a place in the ocean where there are no sharks and where it's warm! =) Than I'll go happily!

Would you rather...
[x] Be an actor/actress for a big movie
[] Be the director of the big movie?
because: I think being an actress seems much more fun! XD This one's tough on me by the way, because I would want to be a director too! ^^ㆀ

Would you rather...
[] Have an ugly, loyal dog
[x] A prize-winning, snobby cat?
because: TOUGH ONE!! XD I like cats a lot more, so that's my final reason for picking the snobby, prize-winning cat.. although appearance does not matter to me and personality does matter to me.. ^^ㆀ

Would you rather...
[] Be saved by Superman
[x] Meet Winnie the Pooh?
because: Although Winnie the Pooh is not real, Superman is not perfect either! XD Since being saved by Superman means I have to be in danger first, I would rather like to meet Winnie the Pooh! ^^

Would you rather...
[] Go to an amusement park
[x] Go to a family reunion?
because: I love my family more than rollercoasters XD ^^ㆀ and why shouldn't a family reunion be held in an amusement park! Keke..

Would you rather...
[] Be rich with an unhappy job
[x] Be payed less with a job you like?
because: ^^ My job might then pay less, but I at least I can be happy doing what I love! =) Basically it's the same classical question, in other words (love or money?) ^^ㆀ

Would you rather...
[x] Not be able to use your phone
[] Not be able to use your e-mail?
because: I use e-mail more than my phone.. so not being able to use my e-mail is a bigger problem! ^^ Easy!

Would you rather...
[] Snowboard in the winter
[x] Swim in the summer?

Would you rather...
[x] Pick your own nose
[] Pick someone else’s?
because: Ewww.. I'd rather pick mine than.. ^^ㆀ that way it's my own filth.. X( Though it's nasty.. I don't think it makes any difference, it being mine or someone else's, but if I have to pick someone else's 2 people are going to feel disgusted.. X'D

Would you rather...
[] Be a tree
[x] Live in one?
because: ^^ Then I get to be a bird.. .. and pick worms.. *throws up*

Would you rather...
[x] Write a mystery
[] Write a poem?
because: That's just more exciting! ^^ and a better challenge! =) I've written poems before..

Would you rather...
[] Be popular, but mean
[x] Be nice, but unpopular?
because: popular, mean girls don't have real friends.. only empty headed, fame-struck followers.. a nice person at least has real friends, maybe not many, but at least they'll be real!

Would you rather...
[x] Eat rubber
[] Eat plastic?
because: that seems easier to digest.. X'D It doesn't seem such a good idea to eat though! ^^ㆀ

Would you rather...
[x] Be shot
[] Shoot someone?
because: Hm.. If I get shot I'll live short, but enter heaven soon (at least there's a chance).. If I shoot I'll live longer, but don't enter heaven.. XD My choice is easy! =)

Would you rather...
[x] Be stranded
[] Get kidnapped?
because: If I'm stranded people will have to search for me, but I won't be in the hands of bad people, if I'm kidnapped people still have to search for me, but I'm also in the hands of bad people.. Hm... ^^ㆀ stranded then?

Would you rather...
[] Skip Christmas for a year
[x] Skip your Birthday for a year?
because: Christmas is a celebration for everyone, my birthday is just a celebration for me.. ^^ㆀ Christmas is always way more sociable too! =) So I'd rather skip my birthday for a year!

I know.. a long post! ~~ㆀ but I'm finished writing it! =D

I'll go now! *smiles* =D Byebye!! (^-^)*


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Quick update! ^^

Just a short entry this time..
I don't have much time now ^^" that's why! XP
In just 2 hours I'll be playing the piano on stage!! =D
Well, in 2 hours it starts, I'll play as last which means I'm the best! =X orrrr... I'm just the oldest ^^"

Anyway, I'll play by heart again, so no books or papers! ^^
I know I said that I would put it on YouTube (because my dad has filmed it), but that still hasn't happened! =( (because my dad did not put it on his computer yet..)

^^ After playing today, I'll go to Amsterdam with a friend and we'll go ice skating there (if it's not too late)! After that we'll have dinner in an Indonesian restaurant! ^^ I'm looking forward to it!! =D


Friday, January 29, 2010

New lay-out! =D .. ^^" Again..

Hi everyone! =D

As you can see I changed the lay-out of my blog again! ^^
Not much change, but I saved a copy of the lay-out, so if there's many of you who want the old lay-out back.. ;) Just let me know and I'll change it back! =D

This new lay-out has some advantages.. ^^ Pictures won't get cut any longer!! =D
..but I agree it's less easy to read, since the sentences will walk all over your screen now! XD Keke..

You know.. the thing I really want now is to change the background into one that isn't a plain color.. so, I'm going to &%$*#@ some more and see if I can get it the way I want it! XP

^^ Anyway~ I noticed how I hardly blogged about my own life anymore! ^^ㆀ
Agreed, the life of K-Pop stars is just SO MUCH MORE INTERESTING!! ^^ㆀ

But since yesterday evening I had a really memorable and nice time.. I'll blog about it! =)

Yesterday I went out with my class mates! =D
At 6:00 pm we ordered some Italian pasta! Mine was Lasagne! ^^

We went to a broadcasting studio in Amsterdam and we were part of the audience at a live show 'De Wereld Draait Door'.. (In English translated as: 'The World Keeps Turning', but there's a Dutch pun in it, so it also means that the world goes crazy.)
For everyone who doesn't know that live show: it's a live talk show and they cover topics such as politics, culture and art.. The program is mostly focused on being entertaining, the topics are often kept light and approached with humor.

So much fun! *remembers it and smiles again*

I don't have time anymore.. I have to go~! O_O Piano lesson!! ^^ㆀ
I would have forgotten if my mother didn't remind me of it! X'D

Byebye!! ^^


Monday, January 25, 2010

Tests, tests, tests...

I'm having exam-like tests this week.. actually, I've had one already and I need to do 2 more..
━ ━ㆀ
I'm totally DISLIKING them!! =/
The one I've just made (today) was about "Media & Society" and it was the easiest out of the 3..
The next is going to be "Marketing Communication" and the last is "Professional Economy"..
O_O That last one is really the Cherry of the test-cake! X'(

That was all for today!
Byebye~! *goes to sleep*
It's getting late already and I have to wake up early tomorrow! O_O


Friday, January 8, 2010

It's been a while.. again.. ^^ㆀ

I'm seriously slacking in my new year's resolution.. ~~ㆀ
.. but you know what~~ ^^ I have a new solution for my blog =P like.. a new goal ^^
And that new goal is:


.. writing more entries than the previous month! =D
That's good enough too, right? (^-^)=b

'Cause.. obviously, I don't have much time.. since I'm busy with school now..

~~~~~~ *goes crazy* ~~~~~~

So, that was actually all I can post right now..

I'm out of inspiration, out of time and out of energy...
I sound toooooooo depressive right now,, and believe me I AM... NOT!!! XP

^^ Anyways.. byebye! ^^ㆀ

*Leaving too soon, and knowing it*
