Saturday, January 11, 2014


I want to have a slow relationship which lasts until forever.
Not immediately, but when the time comes, I just want my guy to be there.
I want to fall in love slowly with a person who is not a Men's Health cover kind of guy.
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and true beauty comes from inside.

When I fall in love I want us to be friends already, not strangers.
I want to fall in love with his soul and have butterflies giggling.
I'd tell him I don't mind if he'll grow bald at 27 or if his skin is scarred and sensitive.
Our relationship should be an oasis among the storms and the deserts of loneliness.

I want to feel freed by his presence and laugh into the sun.
No pressure to be someone or to keep a conversation on the roll.
I want to share my life, hopes, dreams, sorrows and all the rollercoasters I have and will be in.
We can laugh at silly things together or have deep conversations over coffee.
An unspoken but substantial trust and a bond so deep we understand the other at a glance.

I want to have a slow relationship with solid grounds and endless dreamy skies.
And the whole world shall be a field of flowers to walk in together.
I want to hold hands and share soft kisses on the cheeks.
Then when we dance to imaginative music, I want to whisper "I love you".
That, to me, is true romance.


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Happy New Year! =D

Let 2014 become a good year~!! =D
A good moment to start afresh and get things out of the pipeline and into action ^^

Okay, so here you're probably expecting the "new years resolutions"-talk...

Hmmm, to be honest, I think new years resolutions are sort of too meaningless for me to make them.
I don't think you need a special day to start working on things. I mean why shouldn't you do something about it when the idea first came up?
Of course a special day to start or stop doing something should give you an extra impuls in achieving what you set out to do. However the rate of people who actually achieve their new years resolution is so low (I read somewhere it's about 6%) that it wouldn't surprise me if special days for these goals actually worked against you in reality...

Having that said, I do have some things I want to work on this year (and I already was working on them in the previous year). The first is discipline (has been the case for... forever!) and the second is to fight procrastination! x'D That second one is very brave I think! ㅋㅋㅋ

A few practical goals I want to achieve in 2014 are:
- Get my bachelor degree.
- Post at least 5 posts a month.
- Write at least 1 short story.
- Work a parttime job.
- Find out which master degree to get.
- Have an awesome vacation in South Korea! (in January)

Weee~ And let's all be happy and stay happy!!!
Wish you all the best for this year and let's make it count!
