Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My day..

You want to know how my day was? YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW MY DAY WAS?!
*pulls own hair*

^^" No, I'm just kidding! =)
I'm not thát annoyed with the happenings of my day..
Lot's of things did happen though..

Today, I woke up at 6:45 am.. which is wayyy~ to early for me! XD
I don't have a bad mood in the morning, I just don't like mornings that much.. XP
Anyway, I woke up so early because I had an English exam today!

^^ I actually didn't study much for that exam! XD I figured.. it's English.. my English is okay.. Nahh, I don't need to study!
I think I did well, though.. =)

When I went home again, after spending a few hours relaxing in the sun with friends, I found out someone has been messing with my bicycle! :@
Apparently, someone thought it was "funny" to release the air out of one of my tires and then pull the rubber aside.. -_-"
Mann~, I was pissed when I saw what they had done!
I had to walk the whole 15-minute drive (it takes 40 minutes to walk)!
I'm not a person who gets blisters easily, but for some reason both of my heels have blisters now too!
It's just NOT FUNNY! Do these people have problems with the definition of 'fun' or something?!

When I got home, things got better..
I finally realized I had time for my own now! =D There's absolutely nothing I can do for school! ~ lalalala~ FREEDOM! =D Just 2 days though.. after the weekend begins a new semester, equals a new project, equals new work, equals business.. should I continue?...

..and now I have to clean my room.. T-T
My mum has started to ask me again and again ^^"

^^ Byebye for now~! TTYL~!


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