Thursday, April 22, 2010

Me & My Piano!

As the title says, this post is about me.. and (try guessing XD) .. my piano! XP
Well~ actually it's about my new vlog! ^^ Is it [vlog] or do I have to pronounce it like this: [vee-log]? XD
As I was trying to say.. OH BOMBER!! XD I wanted to stop calling it a vlog!!! -_-"

Anyway~ here is the vid in which I play the piano! =)

Just a side note: the camera I used is still my photo camera XD so no top quality.. I guess those aren't made to record high quality sound! XP

I hope you enjoy this vid! I have a new idea already, but it might take some time for me to post it... ^^"

Ciao ciao! (I'll be in Italy on the 1st of May! =D)


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

...No real title XD...

I'm going to cut my hair.. DRASTICALLY!...... Just saying..

& I'm going to make a vlog before I cut it...... Just saying..

& I'm going to make an appointment to cut my hair on Friday.. THIS Friday...... Just saying..

& And I'm sleepy...... Just yawning..

Xx Bye~


Sunday, April 11, 2010

New idea vlog + piano workshop

^^ It has been some time, but I'm back with a blog entry!

First of all: Lately I've been feeling better! =)
Before I felt a bit depressed.. not like I was down or something, just really tired and not motivated to do things, but that's been going better now! =)

Reasons why my mood lifted:
~ I recently got into contact with an old friend again ^^
~ I've been creatively productive again
~ My exams are over and I passed both of them
~ I've been listening to K-pop day after day XD
~ I discovered more songs of Ayumi Hamasaki (of whom I am a fan occasionally..)
~ My sister send me a few songs over the phone! =D Now I don't have low quality, self recorded crap as ringtone anymore! XD

As the title says.. I have a new idea for my vlog.. well.. YouTube channel.. I rather don't call it a vlog, since I might do comedy and skits as well in the future.. =)
Anyway, you can expect a new vid soon, which I will place here too! ;)

Oh, ^^ I just want to say I had a piano workshop today (and I also played in front of public after wards).. =D It was fun! ^^ That's all I wanted to say.. X'D

^^ Byebye! *waves*


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My day..

You want to know how my day was? YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW MY DAY WAS?!
*pulls own hair*

^^" No, I'm just kidding! =)
I'm not thát annoyed with the happenings of my day..
Lot's of things did happen though..

Today, I woke up at 6:45 am.. which is wayyy~ to early for me! XD
I don't have a bad mood in the morning, I just don't like mornings that much.. XP
Anyway, I woke up so early because I had an English exam today!

^^ I actually didn't study much for that exam! XD I figured.. it's English.. my English is okay.. Nahh, I don't need to study!
I think I did well, though.. =)

When I went home again, after spending a few hours relaxing in the sun with friends, I found out someone has been messing with my bicycle! :@
Apparently, someone thought it was "funny" to release the air out of one of my tires and then pull the rubber aside.. -_-"
Mann~, I was pissed when I saw what they had done!
I had to walk the whole 15-minute drive (it takes 40 minutes to walk)!
I'm not a person who gets blisters easily, but for some reason both of my heels have blisters now too!
It's just NOT FUNNY! Do these people have problems with the definition of 'fun' or something?!

When I got home, things got better..
I finally realized I had time for my own now! =D There's absolutely nothing I can do for school! ~ lalalala~ FREEDOM! =D Just 2 days though.. after the weekend begins a new semester, equals a new project, equals new work, equals business.. should I continue?...

..and now I have to clean my room.. T-T
My mum has started to ask me again and again ^^"

^^ Byebye for now~! TTYL~!
