My name is Maria, and I'm from a small city in a small country called 'The Netherlands'!
^ㅁ^ Yay for randomness~!
I was born in the beginning of the 90's =] Yep, the very '90 itself!
I love Asia, in particular Korea, Indonesia and China *^ㅡ^* And I'm really happy for having had the chance to go to South Korea for a longer time period! =D

ㅇ~ Catholic Christian girl <3 ㅇ~ Studying Languages and Cultures of Korea ㅇ~ 75% Dutch and 25% Chinese. But I feel more like 30% Asian and 10% Dutch and 60% me X) ㅇ~ Western zodiac: Gemini, Chinese zodiac: Metal horse, Korean zodiac: White horse ㅇ~ Playing piano for over 16 years (lessons for 11 years) ㅇ~ Obsessed with hobbies (or so it seems). ㅇ~ Loving many arts (dance, drawing/painting, music, literature, art-house movies and more) ㅇ~ Traditional, when it comes to love & relationships. ㅇ~ Loving foreign (mostly Asian) music (traditional music, light classic and jazz, K-rap, (K-)RnB and soundtracks). ㅅㅡㅅ ㅇ~ In love with chocolate and cherries ♥ ㅇ~ Sleep-addict in the morning, insomniac in the evening/night ㅇ~ Speaking multiple languages; Dutch (native language), English (like a native), Korean (advanced), Indonesian (beginner), a bit of Mandarin Chinese, sort-of-forgotten-French and never-really-existing-German... xD

1. What is your favorite color, your favorite food and your favorite drink?
♥~ Blue-ish purple or turquoise-green, Mandukuk (Korean dumpling soup) and the original bubble tea or strawberry/cherry flavored milk =)

2. What is your favorite (K-)drama and why?
♥~ Hmm... I used to watch a lot of dramas before I went to Korea, but having been in Korea I kind of forgot about them and only watch one occasionally. They are still fun, but not realistic and take so much time to finish x'D Haha, so I have no favorite currently, but I have a few that I want to watch, sometime in the future... xP

3. Who do you live with?
♥~ Mum and Dad =] and my sister, when she comes home from her rented room in R'dam ^ㅡ^

4. Have you ever tried to run away from home?
♥~ Yes XD Haha, Although I'm not at all the type of person to do such an impulsive thing. I did try to walk away from home once... I hid in our backyard after fighting with my sister. I think I sat there for 10 minutes before noticing that nobody was actively looking for me... So I acted like nothing happened and got out of my 'hiding place'... xD I was 10 years old or something, I think ㄱㅡㄱ

5. Would you risk a friend for anything?
♥~ Errr... I don't think so. Real friends you don't put at risk. (unless of course you risk a friendship by confessing your love to that friend, but then, a real friend wouldn't drop you after your confession, even if they reject your love)

6. Have you ever had dreams (the ones you receive when asleep) that came true?
♥~ No xD and that's a good thing, because all my dreams are so incredibly impossible or otherwise completely irrational.. I have a certain level of fantasy, it's probably not healthy! ㅍㅁㅍ

7. Of what kind of people are you scared?
♥~ Gangster types... (ಠ益ಠ) Drunk people (alcohol addicts who are regularly drunk)... Manipulating and two-faced people... And everyone who's intimidating ㅅ.ㅅㆀ I'm actually a shy person, but not that much when with friends.

8. Which famous person would you like to meet?
♥~ Hmm... There are a few people I'd like to meet (singers, dancers and actors). But I would have liked to meet Roald Dahl, except that he passed away in the same year I was born *sad face* I love reading his stories and they are still inspiring to me. Oh, and I would like to meet the president of North Korea. xP I don't know what I'd tell him, but I wonder what his thoughts on a good society are. But I guess I'll never have a chance of speaking openly to him, ever.. ㅠ.ㅠ

9. What do you think is the most romantic to do on a date?
♥~ That depends... In summer: going to the beach and stay there to watch the sunset. In winter: ice-skating and drinking hot chocolate afterwards. In spring: picnicking in a park. In autumn: visiting an amusement park and eating out afterwards. And the most romantic thing to do... softly singing a love song to the other, or the much simpler holding hands~ ㅅ.ㅅ Many things can be romantic, it also depends on the atmosphere created and the person you're with =]

10. Do you like being alone or do you like being together?
♥~ I don't like to be lonely, I don't like to be in large crowds. x) I used to think I loved being on my own and I really can spend time alone happily. However, I love to be in company of others too, so much that I would look for these persons when they are in my surrounding. I can't leave them alone xP

More questions you can ask in a comment!! =] I don't mind weird questions, but I do have my limits in answering embarrassing/personal question. ㅅ.ㅅ It shouldn't stop you from asking, but I don't guarantee you I'll answer all.
With that said, fire away~!! =D



  1. Ok, do you like your martini shaken or stirred?

    1. I wouldn't recognize shaken from stirred hahaha! x'D but last time I made a drink containing Martini I shook it :P
