Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Photobucket//// *sigh*

Oops.. I exceeded Photobucket's monthly uploading allowance.. I uploaded too much MB on photo's...
..and now Photobucket has temporarily blocked all my photobucket images until the 16th of April, when all the monthly MB rates drop to zero..

T-T I have too many images from Photobucket.. and now my blog seems empty.. =X


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

~ I'm bored and I don't feel like sleeping.. ~

What to do when you're bored... *sigh*
To me the white sheet of an empty blog message is very alluring.. it makes me want to fill it with interesting stories! ^^ but it's usually not that interesting..
Just to make it more interesting, all types of games and question lists have been made by people who understand that blogging is very difficult when nothing big really happens in your life.. *breath in, breath out* ..but to be different from all the other blogs, you have to be unique.. *question mark, troubled expression* .. so you make your OWN LIST! X'D *slaps forehead*..

*cough* So that's what I'll do.. ^ー^"
It'll have only 3 questions..

1) What are you happy about?
Right now, I'm happy that my parents approve about me auditioning for the Film Academy next year.. ^^ I'm also happy that my photo camera (yes, I use a PHOTO camera to make MOVIES! XD) works with an file extention that is compatible with my computer! =D In that way I don't have to move mountains to get my vids done! ^^

2) What are you unhappy about?
I'm unhappy about my parents disapproving about my plans for the next year.. because I can't audition for the coming year at the Film Academy, I figured I wanted to spend the coming year going to Indonesia, stay with my family there, work a job and making vids during my free time.. (a great plan! ^^ At least, that's what I think).. but my parents think I should stay in my current study, to finish 2nd year of MIC, although that wouldn't get me a higher educational grade.. but I guess they have a point when they say I should finish 2nd year, because it's not sure I make it through the audition, so might I be rejected I can start at 3rd year of MIC.. *sigh* I just really hoped I could go to Indo~

3) What are you going to do?
Right now, I'm going to post this, log off and sleep.. Tomorrow, I'll be waking up early, start making some homework, maybe think of some script and leave for school.. When I get back, I'm afraid I have to play piano and then STUDY, STUDY, STUDY! =( I so dislike school now.. I'm not really motivated anymore.. but, I'll finish this year well and then I'm going to enjoy my summer vacation! ^^

That was my question thing..

I read one of my previous posts and in that post I was ranting about my stress for the Pitch I had to do.. I figured I should also tell you how it ended! ^^
I made a powerpoint presentation and I kept a paper with me, so in the end I was able to do well! =)
I really improved and that should count! ^^ Actually, I still was nervous like crazy and when I started my voice shot up from the nervousness! =X
Luckily nobody noticed, because I started my pitch with reading a small piece of my own story, which started with the word "Hey!" XD and that was exactly when my voice decided to octavate.. Keke!

Now I'd better go to sleep.. =)

*ANNYONG~!* (v^ー°)


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Question - Answer! =)

A small list of questions! =)
I promise it to be small! ^^v ᆿᆿᆿ
Since last time it became a #R*&^#$ long list! ^^"

1. Name people who made you smile today?
~ Mom, my sister, ChiHo, Bas & Esther

2. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
~ turning around in my bed ^^"

3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
~ browsing through someone else's blog.. (that's where I found this list!^^"

4. What is something that happened to you in 1992?
~ That year I got a little sister! ^^ And I turned 2 that year.. much more hasn't happened I guess XP ^^ Oh, wait, my mum gave me my first vocal lessons! XD ᆿᆿᆿ

5. What is the last thing you said aloud?
~ "Just get the CD from the orange package downstairs..!"

6. How many different things did you drink today?
~ Ehm.. I drank tea, chocolate milk, again tea.. That makes 2 different things! =P

7. What color is your hairbrush?
~ Blue..

8. What was the last thing you bought?
~ Lunch, or better said, pre-dinner, since it was almost dinner time and I was still far from home X'D..

9. Who was the last person you met?
~ My entire class.. ^^ but if you count the last person I saw.. it has to be ChiHo, he left last, before I left.. ^^"I'm such a nerd XD

10. What color is your front door?
~ Bright red.. It truly is, but yeah.. that's what you get when your father's favorite color is red.. ~_~

11. Where do you keep your change?
~ In my wallet, like everyone else.. I think! X'D

12. What's the weather like today?
~ Sunny and clear, but chilly since it still is the end of winter..

13. What is the best ice cream flavor?
~ Chocolate and Coconut! =D

14. What is something you are excited about?
~ K-POP!! Especially TVXQ, Super Junior and F.T Island!! =)

15. When was the last rainbow you saw?
~ Far too long ago.. I can't remember exactly.. T^T

16. What size shoe do you wear?
~ 39, sometimes 40.. I DON'T HAVE LARGE FEET!!!ᆿᆿᆿ ^^"

17. Are you a cheerful person?
~ Definitely! ^^ I like to laugh and I don't know what PMS, depression or chagrin feels like! ^^"

18. Do you want to cut your hair?
~ YEAH!! ^^ Well, I want curls first.. and when that has worn out, I'll cut it.. (see a few posts earlier..^^)

19. Do you talk a lot?
~ Not really, I'm more of a writer.. ^^

20. Does your screen name have an "x" in it?
~ Nope.. No X is in CherryChocol8! ^^ =]

21. Do you know anyone named Steven?
~ Uh.. Yeah, but I never see/hear from that person.. ^^" He was a classmate in the first grade of High School.. I'm now in college.. It's been about 8 years that I've last seen him.. but we were never close, so that's not a problem ;)

22. Do you love your friends?
~ Now tell me, who wouldn't? XP Isn't that why you're friends with certain people, because YOU LOVE THEM! So YEAH, I LOVE MY FRIENDS! =)

23. Are you typically a jealous person?
~ I'm not really a jealous type of person.. Maybe that's because I've never really had a reason to be jealous..

24. Name someone whose name starts with the letter "R":
~ RyeoWook! ^^ =D

25. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter "A":
~ Anne!

26. Who's the 1st person on your received calls list?
~ My mom! ^^" ᆿᆿᆿᆿᆿᆿᆿᆿᆿ

I'm sleepy.. GOOD NIGHT!! =D

