Monday, August 24, 2009


Like I have written in my blog yesterday (or was it the day before? *scratches head*), I had to drag my lazy self to the post office today...
Well, that's not exactly what happened! ^^
I got up at 11:00 am today, which is kind of late already.. but let's ignore that fact, 'kay? ^^"

Since my sister planned to meet up with friends in Amsterdam (the capital city of our country, we live like a 40-minute train ride away..), she was already up, watching a show of Super Junior on youtube.. It was Unbelievable Outing!! ^^ Love that show, although it gets kind of violent at times o_O.. Well, boys will be boys, eh? ^^

So I got up and watched it with her.. I'm kind of nosy towards my sister.. I want to know what she's doing! ^^ And it rewards, because sometimes she finds something very interesting.. =P
So I watched with her, until I remembered she had planned to spend the day in Amsterdam and it was already past 11:00 am..
I asked when she wanted to leave and she said she had still half an hour..
And with that she turned off her computer.. -_-" No UO for me anymore...

And then we had this conversation (it's not really the same words, but it kind of went like this):
Maria: You can't park your bicycle on the old spot anymore, you know that right?
Irene: Eh? What? Yeah, yeah.. *doing other things*
Maria: You have to park it at the newly opened stalls on the other side of the train station..
Irene: Huh? *still doing something else, but realizing she has to do something different with her bicycle*

Sometime later (my sister was still at home, but had now 15 minutes left)..
Maria: You don't know where it is, right?
Irene: *shrug* Not really..
Maria: Okay, wait, I'll show you, I have to go that way anyway..

So that's how I went to pick up my free student travel pass..
I went with my sister to show her the place to leave her bicycle and then went further to the post office..

At the post office, my first thoughts were.. "Oh no, it's closed again! O_O"
That was until I saw someone enter the building xD.. I think the fanfics have altered a new sense for drama in me.. ^^
Well, maybe not only the fanfics, but the J/K- drama's too.. ^^
I like to watch them from time to time, I'm not really an addict of those drama's, but I do enjoy them a lot!! =D
Someone at the site from where I learn a bit Korean once said she doesn't allow herself to watch Korean drama's because they affect the mind! xD
She said they make people believe in love at first sight and the perfect lover and such, while it's really rare to fall in love at first sight (and find the love returned), and meeting the perfect lover is even rarer..
I think she's right.. but the real dreamer (read: people like me) doesn't need a K-drama to believe in such mushy and romantic stuff! ^^
I think it's fair to say that every fangirl loving an idol will fall into the category of real dreamer! (no offense!! I'm one myself!!^^)

I think I lost touch with the title... ^^'
This was really off topic.. but I don't care! =)

To continue my story.. I entered the building too and was immediately confronted with a machine that offered me to get a number..
Nice.. I really don't like those systems, but I guess it's efficient..
So I took a look at the machine and I was confused immediately..
Why would they have two arrows and no explanation?! o_O
I should have made a photo and show it to you! xD You would have totally understood why I was confused..
There was a green arrow above, pointing to the right.. and there was a large red arrow pointing downwards to where the number would come out..
One of the arrows was the one to get the number..
The color green said it must be that arrow, but the RED arrow was pointing in the right direction! o_O
In the end I picked green and it was, fortunately, the right one! ^^
Lucky for me, I didn't have to wait very long.. My number was 108 and there were 2 desks, where number 105 and 106 were currently getting their business done..
Getting my free student travel pass was easy! ^^
After that I went home..

The rest of the day I was being boring xD I won't tell everything..
It all comes down to this.. I was writing my fanfics, checking my mail, hanging around the house and doing nothing xD
It was just too warm to do anything! o_O It was like 24 degrees Celcius, but it felt like a lot more because it was humid.. I like hot weather, but only if I'm still able to move and breath without much effort xD..
I'm just too lazy for humid weather.. ^^"

I'll stop here.. ^^ Byebye!! *waves and yawns* I'm tired!

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