Friday, June 18, 2010

Who was your last..?

"Who was your last?"

I found this list of questions on Shinta Rahman's blog called "YooChunnie's Angel".
I like the questions so I decided to fill out this form! ^^ Enjoy reading!


1. Had a beer with?
- I never had a beer.. well.. the person I last took a sip of a beer with was Marlies.. but I haven't seen her in years~

2 . Went to the movies with?
- My group of friends (Dieuwke, Natascha, Lisa, Daphne and Daan), we went to Alice in Wonderland! ^^

3. Went to the mall with?
- My sister Irene

4 . Talked on the phone with?
- My grandma! =)

5. Made you laugh?
- My dad

6. You hugged?
- XP I forgot!

7 . You yelled at?
- Probably my sister? :$ I hardly ever yell at someone..

Would you rather:

1. Pierce your nose or tongue? and why?
- I'd rather not pierce one of them at all! ^^" but if I have to, I'd pierce my nose, although I don't think it will look good... Piercing your tongue seems to be very painful

2. Be serious or be funny?
- Funny, although a balance between funny and serious is the best! ^^

3. Drink whole or skim milk?
- Whole! ^^ What do I got to worry? besides, whole tastes better! =D

4. Die in a fire or get shot?
- Get shot! Better make that a head shot! XP The fastest and least painful way out of the two "choices"


1. Sun or moon?
- Sun! =D I love the day, I love the light... ^^ The sun brings out "DAY"-"LIGHT" XD

2. Winter or Fall
- Fall, it's less cold than Winter and still has a chance of bringing forth sunny days! =) Then there are those great sights of Autumn weather! ^^

3. Left or right?
- Right, but I can do everything (except writing) with my left hand too! =)

4. Sunny or rainy?

5. Peach or Pear?
- Peach ^^

6. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
- Twirl it around chopsticks! ^^

7. Do You Cook?
- Ehmmm... *scratches back of head* I can make pancakes.. ^^" =) But I'm going to try a Korean recipe soon! =D

8. Current mood?
- Sleepy, but waiting for my crops to have grown.. in FarmVille.. X'D I've slowly become an addict of that game.. --" So much for growing up.. ^^"


1. Kissed someone?
- Nope ^^ Unless a kiss on the cheek of a relative counts? =P

2. Sang?
- Yep! I always do~! I'm in both choirs of our church and I also sing popsongs at home =P The last song I sang was Corinne Bailey Ray's "Put your records on"

3. Been hugged?
- Not that I can remember.. +_+

4. Danced Crazy?
- Guilty! I danced to 2PM's "Heartbeat", I tried to copy part of their dance and then just messed up.. XD

5. Cried?
- Nope.. only tears from eye-irritation.. Darn grass-allergy!


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