Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bowling for Columbine..

Hi everyone~!
I just finished watching "Bowling for Columbine".. It's quite a moving documentary..
^^ The DVD was actually for free.. that's why I got it..
Let me explain.. XP

It all started when I went to "Fame", a music/DVD/entertainment store, where I bought 2 Korean movies, under the label of "Quality Film Collection".. That label thingy was having an action.. They both had codes and when I would enter those codes on the website I could pick out a free DVD of choice (the choices were limited though..)
So I picked "Bowling for Columbine", because we had watched a part of that documentary at school and I found it interesting at that time..

^^ I was actually very lucky.. because:
1). "Bowling for Columbine" was a free DVD
2). One of the Korean DVD's had an extra DVD in the cover (which I found out later X'D)
3). There was a second DVD in the cover of "Bowling for Columbine" too!! O_O..

Conclusion..: I paid the price of 2 DVDs, to receive 5!!! ^^ Ain't I lucky now? =D
And those 2 DVDs were very cheap too! =X

But... to get back on the documentary I watched..
I think there's lots of things wrong with the perception of the gun-issue in the US.. O_O Mannnnnnnn, I'm soooo happy guns are illegal in the Netherlands.. XP
In the Netherlands it's like this: Owning a gun = risking a high fine or penalty ... We're not even talking about the usage of a gun.. ^^"
Also.. I feel safe, as is..

I feel kind of weird that people would actually have a loaded gun in their home to "protect themselves and their family", while there is no actual danger they expect..
Having guns would only make it easier for unauthorized people to do some bad things.. like youngsters taking their dad's gun to school to show it off and then having it stolen, or worse, used..


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