Hi everyone! ^^
I was just browsing Winglin, then got to Shredded Hearts (request site)..
Until I found this thingy! XD
A list of "this or that".. ^^ I so wanted to do that too XD, so here is my list!
(I used the same options... I commented each question too!)
[x] Be 4′1
[] Be 7′9?
because: I the shorter I am, the more guys are taller than me, which I feel is a MUST!
Would you rather...
[] Live without music
[x] Live without TV?
because: I always listen to music, yet I hardly watch TV..
Would you rather...
[] Eat a bar of soap
[x] Drink a bottle of dishwashing liquid?
because: I think it's easier downing it when drinking than having to chomp it first.. XD
Would you rather...
[x] Be called a racist
[] Be called a traitor to your country?
because: the first is least bad.. ^^ㆀ
Would you rather...
[x] Lose your legs
[] Lose your arms?
because: *thinks of having to do everything with her feet..* =X having arms is just much more convenient..
Would you rather….
[x] Have a beautiful house and an ugly car
[] Have an ugly house and a beautiful car?
because: A car is not everything.. XD I'll spend more time in my house.. I'll have a beautiful bike! X'D
Would you rather...
[] Be blind
[x] Be deaf?
because: a blind person has a more difficult time living without help, a deaf person can at least take care of him/her-self..
If in a fire, would you rather save a...
[x] Sibling
[] Stranger?
because: .. that's only natural, unless you have hatred for your sibling, but I don't...
Would you rather...
[] Be spanked
[x] Be put on restriction (on your favorite thing to do)?
because: I can live with being unable to do something I like for a period of time, but I don't like pain.. X'D
Would you rather...
[x] Eat sushi
[] Eat liver?
because: I've never tasted Sushi.. but I guess I'll like that better, because liver is just gross!! O_O
Would you rather...
[x] Live in Antarctica
[] Live in Death Valley?
because: It is practically impossible to survive in the Death Valley if you would plan on living there.. XD So, I'll live in Antarctica then..
Would you rather...
[] Have 3 eyes
[x] Webbed Feet?
because: You can't tell when you see me first.. T_T
Would you rather...
[x] Find true love
[] Get $ 1,000,000?
because: aaah.. this is the classical "this or that"-question! XD I'll choose true love! =P Although I don't really believe in soulmates and true love.. but, since it's granted then.. It'll be true then, right? ^^
Would you rather...
[x] Always have to say what’s on your mind
[] Never speak again?
because: =X I already say what's on my mind..
Would you rather...
[] Be gossiped about
[x] Never talked about at all?
because: When they don't talk about me, then there won't be rumours about me, true or false.. but who says they don't THINK about me? XD *grins evilly*
Would you rather...
[x] Have stars in your eyes
[] Eyes in the back of your head?
because: I'd rather be as normal as possible.. soo.. NO EYES IN THE BACK OF MY HEAD!!
Would you rather….
[] Have X-Ray vision
[x] Bionic Hearing?
because: with X-Ray vision you'll see things you might not want to see.. *hint* but with bionic hearing, you can get a lot of knowledge (social knowledge XD)
Would you rather...
[x] Be able to hear any conversation
[] Take back anything you say?
because: If you can hear all conversations, you won't need to take back your words, because, you'll know what to say better.. ^^
Would you rather...
[] End hunger
[x] End hatred?
because: when hatred is gone, people will start to care for each other more, which means we can take care of the hungry people together! =)
Would you rather...
[x] Publish your diary
[] Make a movie about your most embarrassing moment?
because: My most embarrassing moment is not written in my diary, by the way, the most recent entry is from 5 years ago or something! XD
Would you rather...
[x] Get caught singing in the mirror
[] Get caught spying on your crush?
because: I can sing well enough.. but my crush will remain a secret at all times! (I don't have one at this moment though ^^ㆀ)
Would you rather...
[] Be a dog named Killer
[x] A cat named Fluffy?
because: hahaha XD I'd always be a cat rather than a dog! ^^ Dogs are known to respond to their name, but cats don't always have to.. ^^ So the name "Fluffy" would cause me not to react! Keke..
Would you rather...
[] Be stranded on an island with someone you hate
[x] Be stranded on an island alone?
because: Ehm.. just to keep it peaceful.. ^^
Would you rather...
[] Get even
[x] Get over it?
because: things can't be that important to fight over.. ^^ and if they are, the best will win! XD Getting even always means a friction between me and someone else..
Would you rather...
[x] Always lose
[] Never play?
because: Playing is more fun than winning! ^^
Would you rather...
[] Be forced to tell your best friend a lie
[x] Be forced to tell your parents the truth?
because: Although it might be more difficult to tell my parents the truth than telling my best friend a lie, I'd still rather tell the truth than a lie! ^^
Would you rather...
[x] Know it all
[] Have it all?
because: When you know it all, you'll never get called "stupid" or "brainless".. When you have it all, people will just assume you must be "dumb"..
Would you rather...
[] Give bad advice
[x] Get bad advice?
because: In that way I won't be the one to blame.
Would you rather...
[] Have sand in your shorts
[x] Have water in your ear?
because: No real reason.. XD Sand is just much more annoying than water!
Would you rather...
[x] Forget your sunscreen
[] Forget your sunglasses?
because: I don't always need sunscreen.. XD but I need my sunglasses!
Would you rather...
[] Kiss a jellyfish
[x] Step on a crab?
because: the injury seems similar.. but I'd rather be injured on my foot than on my mouth!! ^^ㆀ
Would you rather...
[] Own a ski lodge
[x] Own a surf camp?
because: Surfing is way cooler than skiing! XD
I suck at both! =X
Would you rather...
[x] Forget who you were
[] Forget everyone else and who they were?
because: If I forget myself, people can tell me about myself.. but if I forget other people they will be hurt.. and I'll only remember myself, so I'll only have myself to tell me about other people... which won't work! ^^ㆀ
Would you rather...
[x] Have one wish granted today
[] Have 3 wishes granted in 10 years?
because: I'm impatient! =X besides, one wish now means there's nothing said about the 10 years that still have to come.. 3 wishes in 10 year means there are just 3 in the following 10 years! XD
Would you rather...
[x] Give up your computer
[] Give up your pet?
because: My little rabbit means more to me than a computer.. only the fact a computer can be replaced and a rabbit can't, says it all!
Would you rather...
[] Be the sandcastle
[x] Be the wave?
because: I like to be water, more than sand! XD Keke..
Would you rather...
[] Write the worst book in history
[x] Record the worst song in history?
because: If I have the title "worst book in history" on my name, I can shake it with my dream to become a writer.. I have never wanted to be a singer (at least not for real!), so having the title "worst song in history" on my name would not make a difference! XD
Would you rather...
[] Get free chocolate for 1 year
[x] Get free potatoes forever?
because: Potatoes are more healthy! by the way, free chocolate for a year means I get seriously addicted, which wouldn't do me any good! X'D
Would you rather...
[x] Have half days of school everyday
[] Have no homework forever?
because: half days, which means I will always have time to do the things I like best! =)
Would you rather...
[] Wear all pink to school
[x] Wear all purple to school?
because: I like purple better! =)
I already wear a lot of purple, although never all purple!XD
Would you rather...
[x] Take a math test
[] Do a lab in science?
because: I suck at science!! O_O I'm good at maths! ^^ 8) So the choice is easy!
Would you rather...
[] Have a mansion in the middle of nowhere
[x] Share an apartment with 10 friends?
because: Good company is better than luxury! =) So this one is easy too! ^^
Would you rather...
[] Bake cookies in cooking class
[x] Do art projects in art class?
because: Did I mention I LOVE ART? ^^ ~Again, the choice is easy!! Art class of course! (^-^)V
Would you rather...
[] Have a pie-eating contest
[x] A wheelbarrow race?
because: I dislike binge-eating! X_x That's so gross to see! Racing with wheelbarrows seems to be a lot of fun though! ^^ㆀ
Would you rather...
[] Have a big group of friends
[x] One very close friend?
because: I'd rather have a friend that I can open my heart to and with whom I can share my secrets than be part of a large group and feel like a sheep.. ^^ㆀ If you get what I'm trying to say here..
Would you rather...
[x] Be nervous, but excited
[] Be relaxed, but bored?
because: A little adrenaline is good for a person, besides being excited is much more fun than being bored.. although it's nice to be relaxed too! XP
Would you rather...
[x] Wear a school uniform
[] Last year’s Halloween costume?
because: Probably because I've never wore one! ^^ To me it looks a fun experience.. XD although it might be really boring too! =X
Would you rather...
[] Spend the day surfing the Internet
[x] Surf the ocean?
because: I think it's much more fun to be outside surfing (and meeting people)! ^^ㆀ If only it's a place in the ocean where there are no sharks and where it's warm! =) Than I'll go happily!
Would you rather...
[x] Be an actor/actress for a big movie
[] Be the director of the big movie?
because: I think being an actress seems much more fun! XD This one's tough on me by the way, because I would want to be a director too! ^^ㆀ
Would you rather...
[] Have an ugly, loyal dog
[x] A prize-winning, snobby cat?
because: TOUGH ONE!! XD I like cats a lot more, so that's my final reason for picking the snobby, prize-winning cat.. although appearance does not matter to me and personality does matter to me.. ^^ㆀ
Would you rather...
[] Be saved by Superman
[x] Meet Winnie the Pooh?
because: Although Winnie the Pooh is not real, Superman is not perfect either! XD Since being saved by Superman means I have to be in danger first, I would rather like to meet Winnie the Pooh! ^^
Would you rather...
[] Go to an amusement park
[x] Go to a family reunion?
because: I love my family more than rollercoasters XD ^^ㆀ and why shouldn't a family reunion be held in an amusement park! Keke..
Would you rather...
[] Be rich with an unhappy job
[x] Be payed less with a job you like?
because: ^^ My job might then pay less, but I at least I can be happy doing what I love! =) Basically it's the same classical question, in other words (love or money?) ^^ㆀ
Would you rather...
[x] Not be able to use your phone
[] Not be able to use your e-mail?
because: I use e-mail more than my phone.. so not being able to use my e-mail is a bigger problem! ^^ Easy!
Would you rather...
[] Snowboard in the winter
[x] Swim in the summer?
Would you rather...
[x] Pick your own nose
[] Pick someone else’s?
because: Ewww.. I'd rather pick mine than.. ^^ㆀ that way it's my own filth.. X( Though it's nasty.. I don't think it makes any difference, it being mine or someone else's, but if I have to pick someone else's 2 people are going to feel disgusted.. X'D
Would you rather...
[] Be a tree
[x] Live in one?
because: ^^ Then I get to be a bird..
.. and pick worms.. *throws up*
Would you rather...
[x] Write a mystery
[] Write a poem?
because: That's just more exciting! ^^ and a better challenge! =) I've written poems before..
Would you rather...
[] Be popular, but mean
[x] Be nice, but unpopular?
because: popular, mean girls don't have real friends.. only empty headed, fame-struck followers.. a nice person at least has real friends, maybe not many, but at least they'll be real!
Would you rather...
[x] Eat rubber
[] Eat plastic?
because: that seems easier to digest.. X'D It doesn't seem such a good idea to eat though! ^^ㆀ
Would you rather...
[x] Be shot
[] Shoot someone?
because: Hm.. If I get shot I'll live short, but enter heaven soon (at least there's a chance).. If I shoot I'll live longer, but don't enter heaven.. XD My choice is easy! =)
Would you rather...
[x] Be stranded
[] Get kidnapped?
because: If I'm stranded people will have to search for me, but I won't be in the hands of bad people, if I'm kidnapped people still have to search for me, but I'm also in the hands of bad people.. Hm... ^^ㆀ stranded then?
Would you rather...
[] Skip Christmas for a year
[x] Skip your Birthday for a year?
because: Christmas is a celebration for everyone, my birthday is just a celebration for me.. ^^ㆀ Christmas is always way more sociable too! =) So I'd rather skip my birthday for a year!
I know.. a long post! ~~ㆀ but I'm finished writing it! =D
I'll go now! *smiles* =D Byebye!! (^-^)*