Friday, August 21, 2009

WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!! ^^ We got visitors xD

Today I started up well! ^^
First thing I heard... "Wake up, today XX and XX are coming to play on the Wii.." (I won't call their names, since I don't know if they like to be known ^^, it's the kids of a friend of my mum's, ages: 8 and 13 or 14)
All I'll say is: They're really sweet! ^^
My mum was already totally excited while they wouldn't be there till 4 in the afternoon! xD
I'm really not a morning person, but I got up anyways, because I slept quit early yesterday.. (midnight is early for me xD)

Okay.. what story was I going to tell???

^^' This isn't interesting at all.. It's stupid.. =X .. see, now I've started making fun of myself >_<

Maybe I should tell you something that bothers me..
No, I'm not going to complain! ^^
I just have something with my eyes.. see, sometimes, they just won't stop tearing T_T
People might think I wear irritating contacts! =(
The fact that I wear a pair of glasses once in a while might just add to that..
Don't get me wrong.. it's not like I need a bucket when my eyes tear xD.. I just feel they are too wet, and I need to wipe them.. ^^ okay, never mind, it starts getting weird again..

Now, let me get to the actual story.. I tend to trail off..
Just now I was completely doing other things xD (I was watching a Youtube vid about SuJu, pre-debut and baby pics.. incredibly cute!! ^^ YeSungie!!)

That aside, I wanted to talk about my day xD and the visit of friends today =)
This morning I felt like Cinderella.. minus the stepmom, stepsisters, prom, beautiful dress and prince...
I vaccuum cleaned the entire lower floor of our house and I tidied my room (read: clearing the floor of my room ^^" )
Later on the vaccuum cleaning turned out to be useless.. try keeping the floor clean after eating crisps with an excited 8 year old.. ^^'
Right, not much success, but we had fun, so it didn't matter to me at all!! =D

Like I mentioned before, the visitors had come to play on the Wii.. ^^
My mum had bought batteries especially for that occassion xD The Wii remote hasn't been used for over at least 5 months, so the battery had died... T_T
XX and XX don't have a Wii at home, so they had never (or just once) played on a Wii before..
Now, don't think we have a lot of games.. we actually only have Wii Sports, which is like the standard game for the Wii ^^'
They actually enjoyed it alot!! xD
First thing the 8 year old boy asked, searching the types of sports: "Where is soccer?"

I laughed alot today, seeing my mum attempt a try at bowling.. ^^'
She's a natural talent *cough*
One of the visitors actually really was!! 0_0
She beat my highscore of bowling (which I tried real hard to get) in her first try!!! T_T I feel defeated...
...Not really, just joking! ^^
Anyway, it was good fun! Their mother was best at tennis, I suck at tennis..
In real life probably as much as on the Wii xD
My sport is more like hockey and dancing (if you consider dancing a sport)..

That was basically my day! ^^
Oh, and I got some great news!! =D
I am now officially awarded a place for the study of my choice!! ^^
I really wanted to do a media study (from Dutch translated it's something like: Media, Information and Communication)..
Sounds like fun, eh? Well, it's actually said to be a tough study, but I'm going to do well! ^^ I hope..
I'll be learning a lot about all types of media, how to use the media and some skills too!
*gets more excited by the minute*
I'm really happy!! =D

I recieved a letter with information about the group I'm in, the day school starts and some parties that are going to be held! ^^
I don't know if I'm going to a party.. I don't know much people there yet.. only one former class mate, but I didn't really befriended her before.. she's kind though..
Maybe if she goes, we can go together.. there are other parties too, though!! ^^ There's one at the end of September, by then the introduction days have taken place, so I might have friends to go with! ^^
It sounds sad, doesn't it?
But all my friends don't go to HvA (the college I'm going to), they go to InHolland, Reinwardt and such.. and the parties are for people who go to HvA..

Well, it has its good things too, knowing nobody.. that means I can make a fresh impression and there are more new people to meet!^^
Plus, it makes me go out and meet people.. since I have to, in order to make friends xD

Oh.. before I forget.. I placed a banner on top of my blog... (where the title is)
I'll change it later on, but I like Onew.. so I'm okay with this for now! ^^
The new banner (I'm going to make it myself) will have pics of Korean artists too (^-^)=b
Now I just need to figure out how I change the background.. (*-*)a
How stupid it might sound, but I can't found how it should be done...

If someone knows how to change the background.. TELL ME!!

Well, that's it for today!! Byebye! Annyoung!!! *waves and smiles energetically*

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