Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Back on the road!

So, for the last month I've been pretty down actually.
It's just not easy to make changes to your life, when all you actually want is to go back in time. x')

Well, I can't go back in time, I'll just have to accept that, which has cost me about 2 months time already. Finally it feels like I'm getting some rest from the pain and the reminiscence! So I'm changing my life! ^-^

I'm so close to graduating for my BA!! =D Actually I'm missing 25 ECTS (of which 5 are in the process of getting processed, haha crazy language)! The only thing I have to do now is write my dissertation and translate 1,5 article. *Happy~!*
I plan on finishing my work before my next birthday, and in that way I plan to "start my new year as a BA-owner" ^-^ *yay~*
Translations are going fine, but my dissertation is quite a pain in the a**. My supervisor is very nice though! ;) I heard stories of annoying supervisors who are absent, don't understand their subjects or cause more trouble and distress than progress, so I'm a lucky girl! ;)

Close related to studying is of course my discipline. And I've got to be honest, I'm still not entirely disciplined, although I'm full force fighting it! Actually, I used to wake up at 11 AM and go to sleep at 2 AM. I'd constantly play with my phone, watch YT-videos or read books (latter is not that bad ;)). These days however I mostly get up at 7 or 8 AM (!) and then work productively all morning and midday and in the evening read or check social networks, before I go to sleep at 11 PM (!). ^^ I have to say, I get soooo much more done! However, it's not easy! I still fight with myself every morning and evening. And some mornings I just don't feel like doing anything. Even if I got up, I can't get much work done at all. So that needs some improvement (I'm guessing it will get easier as I continue doing it, also because I feel depressed in the mornings due to the unfortunate happenings of 2 months ago ㅠㅠ).

Korea / Future Plans
Although it will probably hang on my mind for the entire year, I will not go to Korea before the entire 2015 has passed. I can't afford it and I want to make sure I build up a stable future. Hence I will spend my year in my own country, I'll get my BA-degree, enroll for a Masters course and work a part-time job to save up money. If I'm lucky enough I will have a chance to spend most of 2016 in Korea for my MA-degree. These are the big lines I've drawn now, but I'm going to keep my eyes open and focus on the things I can do right now. The future will come as it comes.

So that's it, I'm working on myself. ^-^ I'll be the best version of me there is! ;)
