Thursday, October 28, 2010
Missing my grandma...
I wonder what would have happened if she was still alive...
In the past few weeks, my father and his sister have gone through all the stuff that's in my grandparents home.
My grandpa has moved to a nursing home a few years ago and so their home has become an empty place.
Because my family wants to put it up for rent (since it's completely theirs), the stuff in the house should be sorted out...
Long story short, my father came home with multiple boxes filled with photos of me and my sister as little babies, my father and his sister, my grandma as young woman and even my grandparents their parents!
It was so much fun going through those photos (mostly black and white). Some of the photos were also taken in Indonesia, where my grandmother has grown up.
Since my grandma passed away when I was 5 years old, I have only a few vague memories of her. My parents have told me that she was very fond of me, probably because I was her first grandchild and I also had the Chinese looks like her (she was a full blood Chinese, brought up in Indonesia). Even thought I love both my grandparents of both sides of the family a lot, my Chinese grandma has always been the grandparent I love most.
Today I saw pictures of my grandma as young woman for the first time. She was a beautiful woman. She seemed to have an outgoing personality and a love for photos (and posing for them), but she didn't go overboard with it, she always appeared to be modest and calm.
I don't have a photo to share with you, not even a babypic of me, I'll get to that another time! =)
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Today's 10-10-'10! XD
Since the Dutch crown prince, Willem Alexander, and his girlfriend, Máxima, got married on 02-02-'02, there's a madness in the Netherlands to get married on 03-03-'03, 04-04-'04, 05-05-'05 etc.
It's probably worldwide popular to marry on those dates, but it gets kind of cliche now... I wouldn't want to get married on such a date anymore...
By the way, my dad was being 4D today...
First he asked me where the digital camera was, so I told him.
I knew he was going to do something.
Then he suddenly appeared in front of me, with a big smile and a camera in hand...
'UH-OH!' I said (and thought) as he turned it on.
>_> he just turned into PAPArazzi! (XD excuse my lame-joke-ness)
To start complaining about how he could not catch the 'nice shot'.
At that point I started to wonder whether it was a lack of his skills or an insult on how I look! =/
XD .. but I decided on the lack of his skills, since he was the one complaining! ^^
After several (about 20-40) attempts to capture my face spontaneous, my dad got a little annoyed and said he could better capture it with his digital video camera... O_o
And so I ended up being visually disturbed by a video camera as well... -_-"
Hurray for a painting dad!! ..and what again was the purpose of filming me?
If I start seeing my face on one of his paintings, I'm gonna scream!
Well, unless I'm on it with Beauté (my little rabbit) in my arms! ^^
He still didn't make that one... although the photos have been made.
TTYL! ^^ ♥♥
Monday, October 4, 2010
Apparently, I could change the background of the google homepage!
Curious as I've always been, I followed the link and picked a background with a caterpillar on a Parsley twig.
The lay-out looked quite the same, but the sterile white had been replaced by the new background and the Google logo was embossed and in white letters.
It was aesthetically pleasing, but there was nothing more to it...
WOW! (sarcastically)
A complete useless option as I found out that the background will not even be shown once you start ticking in the key words of your search.
What is it lately with all these applications that are plain useless and fun for less than 3 minutes and then annoying?
I can't remember how many posts on Yahoo solely that I've read discussed the topic of "weird applications" in, for example, cars.
With the IPhone and all these 354-in-1 touch-screen equipped devices, a whole new world of digital apps has come into existence.
In that madness there are apps of any kind; apps that are useful - like GPS, a weather forecast, economic news or camping information - but also a lot of apps that are utterly useless. I'm sure there must be an app that challenges you to clean the toilet as fast and as efficiently as possible and if that app does not exist, it will be developed and made available very soon!
In the meanwhile, I'll just keep using my flip-open mobile phone which isn't connected to the internet and which has no touch-screen either. ;)