Saturday, September 25, 2010

World wide survey (a joke) =P

Last month, the U.N. held a world wide survey in which they only asked one question:

"Could you please give us your honest opinion about the solution for the food shortage in the rest of the world?"

The survey failed miserably because:

- In Africa they didn't know what "food" was.
- In East-Europe they didn't know what "honest" was.
- In West-Europe they didn't know what "shortage" was.
- In China they didn't know what "opinion" was.
- In the Middle East they didn't know what "solution" was.
- In South-America they didn't know what "please" was.
- In the US they didn't know what "the rest of the world" was.

Honestly... How to offend the entire world in just one post, this.=X

It's just become Autumn here and the weather is starting to get a little chillier...
I'm slowly slipping into a Winters' sleep... XD LOL, not really, but my energy is getting less. ^^" Summer always gets the best out of me, but then Winter makes me a little unhappy (I don't really like cold weather...)

GOT TO GO NOW!! ♥ Say hi! to my new blogging spirit! X'D
Today is my parents' 25th year marriage celebration, so I won't be here! ;)
In fact the celebration will last till the 28th of September, since they married on the 25th for the State and on the 28th for the Church. 4 days of celebrating! Woohoo!! =D

Ciao~ ♥♫♪☺


A WOMAN's mind and a MAN's mind...

Okay, let's just screw the HIATUS... XD
LOL I want to blog, so I just do it! =P
That's the fun thing about this, nobody can tell me not to not even my mum, because I'm "practising my English" in this manner! ^^
Not that someone would seriously come up to me and tell me not to... >_>

There's one interesting topic I was thinking about lately.
Why is it that they either say:
~ The mind of a woman is something that's not understandable
~ The mind of a man is simple and to the point

(both hold the same meaning)

In my opinion, the mind of a woman and the mind of a man are both a mystery to everyone... since we all think without the other knowing what we think about if we don't tell them! =)
I know it's scientifically proven that men and women think in a different way, but that does not automatically mean that a man's mind makes more sense...
Of course I'm a woman and thus think like a woman, I don't think a woman's mind makes more sense either!

I made a little hypothesis:
Men are naturally more easygoing and (in some sense) more lazy, that's why they don't bother concealing their thoughts and act upon it as they please.
A woman on the other hand is pressured to maintain her good image and will overthink every action, because she is sensitive for what people think about her.
For example, if a man has an itch in the wrong place, he'll just scratch, because he wants to get rid of it. But if a woman has an itch in the wrong place, she'll look around sneakily, and if there are people, she'll just excuse herself to the bathroom or tries to ignore the itch.
The reason for this difference lays in the history of the roles of men and women, I believe. Men were desirable if they were strong, had good fortune (money) or a high social status, women were desirable when they were fertile and beautiful.
Basically, men can obtain there desirability by training their body (strong) and working (money) and so they get a high social status, while the most a woman can do is keeping a clean image.
Of course there are exceptions in behavior, but tell me honestly, don't these types of exceptional behavior get called manly or feminine characteristics?

A situation men always refer to when pointing out the difference of a woman's mind and their minds:
When a woman wants something, she won't ask it directly, but she'll ask around it, makes the man know what she wants without telling or pursuits the man to want what she wants.
That is true, mostly...
... and the reason is: IT WORKS BETTER! =)
For example, the curtains are getting older and look less lively, in other words, the woman wants new ones (understandable, because the house is part of the woman's image). If the woman bluntly says: "I want new curtains." It's about 90% likely the man will answer: "Honey, does it really have to be changed? I don't see something wrong with these.." (that's because he doesn't want to buy new ones, because it's easier not to)
However, there's more chance of success when the woman asks: "Don't you think the curtains are getting a little pale?" and then waits for the man to respond. He'll probably think about it a little and agree with the woman (since it's easier to agree than to discuss about it). BINGO! She'll say: "We should get new ones. What about this Saturday?" What more can a man do then agree and buy new ones?! If he doesn't, she'll say he thought the curtains looked pale and he'll find himself in a discussion about something he didn't want to think about in the first place.

So in my opinion, the woman's mind is a mystery to men, purely for efficiency.

Please keep in mind that these are assumptions, based on the stereotypical man and woman... They do not even fully obtain to my parents! My mother is usually really straightforward (probably because my father is very easygoing and listens well to his wife) and my father usually says things indirectly (I don't exactly know why, maybe because that's his feminine side?).

Well, don't you feel a little sleepy as well?
You do? Then maybe it's best we both get some sleep. =)

LOL! ♥ G'Night!


Monday, September 13, 2010

HIATUS... =(

BAD NEWS!!! ^^"

As the title says as well, I'm going on hiatus...
...but not completely!
I'm going on semi-hiatus, I might post an entry every now and then, but right now I'm just too freaking busy..
There's some things I want to continue doing, which is writing stories, so I'll continue on a slower pace with my fanfics and I'll also continue playing the piano.

The main reason for my semi-hiatus: SCHOOL, or better said COLLEGE AND HOMEWORK!!!
Blèh! I don't like homework, although the assignments are okay.. x)

STAY HEALTHY AND STAY IN SCHOOL! XP LOL! Who used to say that again? ^^" I forgot... =X
